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picture1_Classroom Pdf 114649 | 168893 Tkt Module 2 Selection And Use Of Teaching Aids

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File: Classroom Pdf 114649 | 168893 Tkt Module 2 Selection And Use Of Teaching Aids
tkt module 2 selection and use of teaching aids teacher s notes description teachers discuss different teaching aids and the uses teaching aids can be put to they also discuss ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Oct 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Tkt module selection and use of teaching aids teacher s notes description teachers discuss different the uses can be put to they also their experiences using how could improve on this is one syllabus areas in part time required minutes materials participant worksheet for each pair sample task aims introduce types functions provide practice completing tasks which procedure board write elicit what are equipment resources that classroom hand out pairs participants find nine wordsearch activity allow five if finding it difficult words you give them some or clues check answers together see key below tell a area tested were taken from glossary ask add any other ideas list e g computer dvd player cassette phonemic chart work groups three decide would achieve lessons listed still following about aid last used class helped lesson whether same way taught again feed back with whole group share complete own then compare partner ucles material may photocopied without alteration distributed provided...

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