teaching aids cc 14 instructional aids are used in the classroom to encourage learning and thereby make it easier and interesting the materials like charts maps models concrete objects film ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Oct 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Teaching aids cc instructional are used in the classroom to encourage learning and thereby make it easier interesting materials like charts maps models concrete objects film strips projector radio television etc which help a teacher for effective may be called albert duret rightly said is believe what you see than hear but if both then can understand more readily retain lastingly classification of classified into three main categories l audio visual printed non tape recorders books blackboards motion pictures newspapers lingua phone magazines smart phones flash cards slides slide lcd made blackboard sketches also an inexpensive aid they teach words pronunciation we use them as testing device school children enthused by interest on very easily exploited describe scene series narrate story explain meaning some difficult develop imagination students chart easiest cost all four skills timesaving structures substitution tables moreover at least few years useful minimal pair drill mechanics ...