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25 Hearing Aids Articles

icon picture zip Filetype zip | Posted on 23 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago

Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 25 txt files containing articles about Hearing Aids. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. All About BTE Digital Hearing Aids
..... People who are in the market for hearing aids can get aids that fit in and on different parts of the ear. They can obtain hearing aids that have different kinds of circuitry. BTE digital hearing aids combine a common type of hearing device with the latest circuitry. For years, there was no such thing as digital processing. Then, when there was, it was too big and bulky to be feasible to be used. Even when it became possible to use, it still wasn't practical until the technology came along to make the circuits tiny like they are today. BTE digital hearing aids are one type of hearing aid that uses this technology. .....


2. All About Open Fit Hearing Aids
..... With so many hearing aids on the market to choose from, you may be overwhelmed by the choices offered. In this article, we will discuss open fit hearing aids. With an open fit aid, you don't have to wait for your ear mold to be made and returned to you; so it takes less time to get the product you'll need. Buying these from a dealer is quicker than waiting on a manufacturer. They'll be maintained wherever you choose to purchase yours. Since open fit aids have evolved into more discreet, less bulky aids, made with better colors and user friendly designs of better quality, people are more willing to wear their hearing aids. It is hard for some people to admit that they need help to function properly physically. Although there is nothing shameful about getting help for your hearing, it is often a matter of pride for a person to be afraid to give in and accept the use of an aid. Children especially have a fear of enduring teasing and insults from other children if they have anything outstandingly different about their appearance. For older adults, it may be interpreted as a sign of weakness or of getting older. .....


3. Are Deals On BTE Hearing Aids By Mail Too Good To Be True
..... BTE hearing aids can be very costly if you go to your hearing professional to get them. Some people with hearing loss enjoy the privacy and convenience of ordering BTE hearing aids by mail. They feel that they can get a better deal and save themselves a trip to the doctor's office. But, are these deals too good to be true? One thing to be aware of is that so-called hearing aids that do not meet FDA guidelines and simply amplify sound are actually known as listening devices. They are very cheap, both in price and in quality. Some BTE hearing aids by mail like this cost as little as $6.99 per ear. In this case, you probably get what you pay for. .....


4. Choosing Discount Hearing Aids
..... Hearing aids come in a variety of makes and models. They are worn in and on the ear in different ways. The ENT doctor, or otolaryngologist, will practically make the decisions for you if you allow it. If, however, you want to save yourself some money, you can march into the doctor's office with some information of your own. Discount hearing aids are one way to save yourself some money without sacrificing quality. Many sellers offer discount hearing aids that are identical to the full priced hearing aids that you get directly from the manufacturer. Often, the only difference is the price, which may be half the price you pay the maker or even less. When you are looking into such a deal, make sure the two devices are actually the same in every respect except for price. .....


5. Good Things To Know About Siemens Hearing Aids
..... Siemens offers a wide range of aids for the hearing impaired. One of the most important aids they offer is the Siemens Centra Active. A person would no longer have to be limited because of an active lifestyle if they chose this hearing aid. It is protected against excessive moisture caused by the menopausal hot flashes, which has created havoc with many hearing aid users because of the unusual sweating that occurs during this time. If you are the type of person who enjoys working in your garden or spending time outside during the heat of the summer, you'll perspire at some point. Your hearing aid must be able to stand up to the excess perspiration. If you want to just be outside watching your children play, this will help ease your limitations and allow you and your children more quality time together because you won't have to worry about your hearing aid conking out on you when you start to sweat from the summer heat! This amazing little instrument has a clip-on microphone cover to protect it from moisture, dust, and extra-tiny particles such as pollen. Pollen dust can be thick and annoying during the spring and could be a hindrance to your hearing aid that is not protected against it. .....


6. Have You Heard Of Beltone Hearing Aids
..... Your outside ear is really only there to collect and concentrate sound waves, which vibrate the air in your auditory canal. Air passes the vibration to the eardrum. The hammer bone, inside, is attached to the anvil and stirrup bones, which vibrate the oval window and the round window. This causes fluid to move in the cochlea, which encloses the Organ of Corti. This organ is covered with thousands of tiny hair cells which bring about chemical changes that change electrical potential to create nerve impulses. As you can tell, that little ear on the side of your head is just the beginning of the hearing process, which is a complex bodily instrument! There's more to the hearing process that what was just explained, and the Beltone company has known this for many years. Beltone hearing aids have been around for at least 67 years, starting in 1940. Their models of digital hearing aids are of a wide variety. The shell styles include Beltone One!, (which is a mini behind-the-ear hearing aid), Beltone Corus, Beltone Linq, Beltone Access, Beltone Edge, Beltone Mira, Beltone Arca, Invisa (in the canal), Petite (in the canal), and the Opera Plus (in the canal). .....


7. Hearing Aids GA The Way To Get A Good Fit
..... Most modern hearing aids are fitted by using a computer in some way. Hearing aids GA is a technology that allows for a fairly precise fitting. It is a relatively new tool for the audiologist to use in helping you to have the hearing experience you desire. In hearing aids GA, the GA stands for genetic algorithms. First you need to understand what algorithms are. An algorithm is simply a way to get something done. If you want something done, there may be several possible ways to achieve that goal. The way you choose to do it is the algorithm you have chosen. Different algorithms will have different advantages and disadvantages, but they should all achieve the same basic goal. In this case, different algorithms for fitting digital hearing aids might have different qualitative results, but the fact is that in any case, you will receive some sort of fitting for your hearing device. .....


8. How Do Hearing Aids Work
..... Hearing aids have been around for decades. The first hearing devices were just conical devices that you held up to your ear so that a person could speak into them. This would funnel the sound directly into your ear. Now there are more impressive types of hearing aids, working with a higher degree of technology. So, in modern times, how do hearing aids work? Hearing aids use small microphones to make a soft sound louder. They do this by using a small microphone. This device will receive the sound that comes in and convert it to an electrical or digital signal and send that data to a speaker where it is turned into sound once again. Settings for these microphones take into account the degree of a person's hearing loss and their usual environment. Environment here refers to how much and what kind of noise you are usually around. Are you usually near high frequency noises? If so, do you need to hear them? Do you function mainly in a quiet conversational environment? All these questions will help the audiologist adjust the settings on your hearing aid. This is only part of the answer to how do hearing aids work. .....


9. How Low Cost Hearing Aids Can Change Your Life
..... Insurance covers hearing devices for very few people. Most people with hearing loss are on their own when it comes to getting help. Many can't afford the exorbitant prices the manufacturers charge for their hearing aids. Without help they may not see much hope of being able to hear adequately. If you are one of these people, there could be a solution. Low cost hearing aids could change your life. With a little help from your computer, you can go on the internet and find offers from sellers other than the manufacturers on name brand hearing devices. These sellers can save you a lot of money by offering low cost hearing aids that are exactly the same as the kind you are looking for. Because they do this, you may be able to afford a more sophisticated and technologically advanced set of hearing aids than you could have otherwise gotten. .....


10. How Oticon Hearing Aids Are Designed With Variety In Mind
..... No two people expect the same things out of a hearing aid. Some want a hearing aid for practical reasons that affect the way they hear. Some people are interested in the cosmetic aspect of the device. Many have to be concerned about the price. Oticon hearing aids offer many choices for all of these people. Oticon hearing aids come in a variety of models of different styles, types and technological advancement. These are available in a wide range of prices. Different Oticon hearing aids focus on different aspects of the hearing experience. .....


11. How Phonak Hearing Aids Make Listening Easy
..... Paying attention to your surroundings at all times isn't easy for anyone. It's even harder for those with hearing deficits. Sounds seem muffled or far away. Voices are indecipherable. Furthermore, some hearing aids amplify all sounds, even the ones that are just distracting. Phonak hearing aids can make listening easier for those with hearing loss. Phonak hearing aids come with different levels of technology. Analog is the least advanced. These are manually adjusted and do not accommodate themselves to a person's preferences automatically. They just receive sound, amplify it, and send it to the ear. .....


12. Siemens Artis Hearing Aids May Be The Solution For You
..... When you are trying to choose the right hearing aid, you may be overwhelmed by the choices on the market. Siemens is one of the top hearing aid companies that wants to help the hearing impaired with their outstanding products. A hearing consultant can help you narrow the many choices Siemens offers. You'll often hear the term 'occlusion' when learning about hearing aids. This means something which blocks the passage. Like some hearing aids that make you feel like you have a big cotton ball stuffed in your ear, occlusion can make you more aware that you have a hearing loss. If you've ever gone under water and tried to hear someone speaking to you who is still above water, you can understand occlusion. You shouldn't feel intimidated by the big terms used when discussing hearing aids or hearing loss. The person who is helping you should be willing to break the terms into more acceptable explanations so you won't walk away feeling like you just don't get it. .....


13. Some Choice In BTE Hearing Aids
..... Many of the excellent hearing aids come in a variety of styles including BTE (behind the ear), ITE (in the ear), ITC (in the canal), MC (mini canal), and CIC (completely in the canal). Some manufacturers, though, make special models that are specifically designed with the usual user of BTE hearing aids in mind. Oticon, for instance, makes the Sumo DM with plenty of power to amplify sound for those with greater hearing loss. With the increased ability to amplify comes the possibility of voices that don't sound weak or distorted. Its design also conserves battery life, and even when the batteries do start to run down, the Sumo DM's performance doesn't suffer. This is a good practical choice for the BTE hearing aid wearer with significant hearing loss. .....


14. The Benefits Of Starkey Hearing Aids
..... Hearing aids have become so much more technologically advanced that they even include devices which allow the users to listen to IPODS! In-line telephone amplifiers can be carried on trips to help with hotel phone use. There are devices the hearing impaired can take to movie theaters to help them hear the movie while blocking out the unnecessary background noises. One of the popular companies that seem to be on top with their innovating products that carry users into the future is Starkey. They have aids that will appeal to children as well as adults. If your child is embarrassed at the thought of having to learn to use a hearing aid, their feelings should be respected. Starkey can help ease the situation. They've taken the care and the time to help equip children around the world. .....


15. The Importance Of Getting The Best Hearing Aid
..... Do you remember when you were young and you connected two big paper or plastic cups to a length of string, letting your friend hold one while you held the other? This hearing experiment was well-known by many generations, often as an attempt to pretend to use a telephone. Well, it also was one of the inspirations for one of the early types of hearing aids. The hearing device was called an ear trumpet, helpful but certainly not the best hearing aid. The development of hearing aids has come a long way since then! A medical term for hearing loss is 'otosclerosis'. Hearing is defined as the process of perceiving sounds. .....


16. The Importance Of Hearing Aids
..... Hearing loss occurs for many reasons, sometimes because of an accident or an illness, medication, or maybe from birth. Some people lose their hearing because of the exposure to constant, loud noises that pierce the eardrums. Hearing loss is a frustrating physical challenge, but there is hope for recovery in many cases through surgery, the use of a hearing aid, or a combination of both. Complete recovery may not always be possible, which is why hearing aids are so important in our society. Children have been teased, misunderstood, abused, and shunned because of hearing deficiencies. A parent who may wonder why their child ignores them on a regular basis or why that child may not learn as well as another should have their child tested for hearing loss. Children's hearing aids have come a long way in recent years. They no longer have to be unappealing, irritating, and a burden. .....


17. What Does Siemens Have To Offer
..... Siemens, sometimes misspelled as Seimens, is in the business of hearing aids. Having been in the business for more than 100 years (since 1847), it is an unusual name and has most likely suffered through just as many years of spelling mishaps! But while the spelling may confuse you, their hearing aids should not. They have representatives specially trained to help you determine what is best for your needs. The Siemens company understands how hearing loss can occur due to medication, ear infections gone out of control, head injuries, childhood diseases, and birth defects. Loud noises are often taken lightly and grossly miscalculated risks are taken which wear on a person's ability to hear properly until one day, they realize it's time for a hearing aid. Siemens knows the importance of getting evaluated for the proper aid and proper fit, and also the importance of taking care of the needs of children with hearing problems. .....


18. What You Need To Know About To Compare Hearing Aids
..... You have just realized you have hearing loss. Or, you have recently gained the ability to do something about it. Now you have to sort through all the different styles, models, and manufacturers to find the right ones for you. You can no doubt get some help from your audiologist, but if you want to be an informed consumer, you will want to learn to compare hearing aids for yourself. When you do compare hearing aids, the first question is whether you want to get analog or digital hearing aids. Analog are the least expensive by far. These hearing aids simply receive a signal from a microphone, amplify it, and send the louder sound on to the ear. It's as simple as that. .....


19. What You Should Know About Digital Hearing Aids
..... There are digital hearing aids available without a doctor's prescription or testing. Some of the aids you can buy that go in the ear canal are digi-ears, which range from $300 to $700 and have various additions. They're versatile to fit either ear, so if you bought two of the same type, you wouldn't have to worry about which aid would fit each ear if you got confused. Many different digital hearing aids are available. Some of them include a two channel value aid, which is a low cost aid, a mid-level four channel aid that provides feedback reduction and a speech amplifier, and the best level (also a four channel aid), which offers echo suppression and layered noise reduction. All of these aids come with a wax remover. (Wax seems to be a problem for hearing aid wearers and must be kept to a minimum for the best reception.) .....


20. What To Look For In Inexpensive Hearing Aids
..... With hearing aids costing thousands of dollars each in some cases, it's easy to become discouraged. It's easy to give up and say to yourself that you'll just have to learn to live with not being able to hear. Maybe you can learn to lip read, you think. But, what if you can find hearing aids that you can afford? Maybe you can. You just need to know what to look for in inexpensive hearing aids. There are some devices that send the sound to your ear with very little processing except a bit of amplification. Some of these are not even sold as hearing aids, but are sold to hunters who want to be able to hear wildlife noises very well. These are rightfully called listening devices. They do not meet FDA guidelines that describe what constitutes a hearing aid. At prices usually under $20 each, they claim to be inexpensive hearing aids, but they are not considered by most to be hearing aids at all. .....


21. Where To Find Discount Digital Hearing Aids
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22. Why Behind The Ear Hearing Aids Are The Most Common
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23. Why Seimens Artis Hearing Aids Are Popular
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24. Why Use Hearing Aids For Dogs
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25. Would You Take A Chance On A Cheap Hearing Aid
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