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File: Teaching Aids Pdf 114052 | 1497612105paper12;module25;etext
paper 12 module 24 e text principal investigator prof tutun mukherjee university of hyderabad paper coordinator dr neeru tandon v s s d college csjm university kanpur content writer dr ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 02 Oct 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Paper module e text principal investigator prof tutun mukherjee university of hyderabad coordinator dr neeru tandon v s d college csjm kanpur content writer anshul chandra ch charan singh p g heonra etawah reviewer language editor title the teaching materials and aids ii id subject english structure learning outcomes introduction types teacher as a aid importance effects using authentic strategy developing effective essential components in instructions for designing by end student should be able to understand effect how select is communicate an idea there are three important parts communication sender information b message c receiver process it generate interest if build properly can take place effectively this purpose use material they have potentials arouse richard his study found that normal human being remembers what read saw heard above seen done old chinese proverb also explains same view i hear forget see remember do seems better arrange different with help which he make easy en...

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