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picture1_Anger Management Therapy Pdf 110701 | Kmj50 1p027 033

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File: Anger Management Therapy Pdf 110701 | Kmj50 1p027 033
original contribution kitasato med j 2020 50 27 33 the effectiveness of an anger management program based on cognitive behavioral approaches among undergraduate students a randomized controlled trial 1 2 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 30 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Original contribution kitasato med j the effectiveness of an anger management program based on cognitive behavioral approaches among undergraduate students a randomized controlled trial yuko oshima hikaru araki daisaku iida mayumi watanabe katsutoshi tanaka graduate school medical sciences university tokyo ymca college physical and early childhood care education objective to confirm designed by yoshida in methods was conducted with participating intervention group received minute sessions outcomes consisted subscales japanese version staxi were assessed at time points before start immediately after completion weeks subjects effect analyses people whose those timepoints results it clarified that there strong effects all furthermore revealed other than control for up conclusions retention internal validity statistical power we could this is effective improve both psychological state coping skills related lasted as long study can be helpful guide determine protocol numbers treatments type...

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