j dzahene quarshie english in contact letunk 2010 4 55 74 811 111 811 432 875 original scientific paper josephine dzahene quarshie university of ghana department of modern of languages ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 24 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...J dzahene quarshie english in contact letunk original scientific paper josephine university of ghana department modern languages legon accra jdquarshie ug edu gh with swahili enrichment or threat ushirikiano baina ya kingereza na kiswahili ustawishaji au madhara as a result british colonial rule africa and other parts the world language occupies position s most influential global its influence on many is remarkable has also attained status developed african two have had long standing rela tionship been described at war competition against above background this sets out to examine influences that continue co exist tanzania we demonstrate dichotomous enriching terms development expansion one hand constitutes an endangerment interference shift keywords borrowing from introduction number powerful crystal zukermann phillipson re markable evident magnitude borrowed vocabulary expres sions aspects absorbed into generally it seen not only more prestigious but importantly gateway nevertheless b...