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picture1_Kiswahili Pdf 104315 | Descriptive Issues In Kiswahili Verbal Structure

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File: Kiswahili Pdf 104315 | Descriptive Issues In Kiswahili Verbal Structure
descriptive issues in kiswahili verbal structure e wesana chomi institute of languages kabale university abstract although a lot is known about the kiswahili verb there are still controversies and uncertainties ...

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...Descriptive issues in kiswahili verbal structure e wesana chomi institute of languages kabale university abstract although a lot is known about the verb there are still controversies and uncertainties raised by following questions what morphological status function individual affixes constitutes phrase final form phoneme or morpheme course suggesting answers to these paper identifies deictic categories functions this task preceded positing two structural types one other morpho syntactic former devoid all person tense aspect voice marking here considered constitute basic latter has aux constituents prefixal suffixal both which house since nature description not just it morphosyntactic key words construction patterns nominal roles introduction linguistics literature loosely used refer three diferent but related constructions illustrated c below pika b alipika alitupikia first consists root pik plus suffix second prefixes li third tu suffixes i swahili distinguished as vr represented auxd...

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