lesson 49 negation negation a negation within personal pronouns b negation with the tenses c negation within noun classes a negation within personal pronouns pronoun pronoun negation example marker marker ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 24 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Lesson negation a within personal pronouns b with the tenses c noun classes pronoun example marker sentence meaning mimi ni si ninaimba siimbi i am not singing sisi tu hatu tunaimba hatuimbi we are wewe u hu unaimba huimbi you ninyi m ham mnaimba hamimbi pl yeye ha anaimba haimbi he she is wao wa hawa wanaimba hawaimbi they present in st person singular changes to for all forms tense na deleted and final vowel sentensi ninasoma kiswahili sisomi tunasoma hatusomi ii perfect me ja does change nimesoma sijasoma tumesoma hatujasoma iii past li ku nilisoma sikusoma tulisoma hatukusoma iv future nitasoma sitasoma tutasoma hatutasoma atasoma hatasoma watasoma hawatasoma zaidi waliimba nyimbo hawakuimba ninaenda kansas city siendi utaenda missouri kesho hutaenda tulicheza mchezo vikapu jana hatukucheza amependa pombe sana hapendi wataona televisheni hatawaona v habitual negate verb as if it were precede word huwa huenda kazini saa mbili asubuhi kila siku huendesha gari la baba yake haendeshi w...