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File: Kiswahili Pdf 105799 | 30354=782 Kiswahili
kiswahili as a national and international language by m m mulokozi institute of kiswahili research university of dar es salaam tanzania introduction kiswahili is officially one of the four national ...

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...Kiswahili as a national and international language by m mulokozi institute of research university dar es salaam tanzania introduction is officially one the four languages democratic republic congo drc former zaire kenya uganda in this paper we shall however limit our discussion to status situation beyond will be highlighted when discuss issue an second part presentation story rise well known not repeat it here cf whiteley chiraghdin mnyampala khamisi mbaabu heine legere suffice say that spread from community lingua franca finally was largely demand driven socio economic sense development assisted many factors amongthemthefollowing pre themaritime trade b caravan into interior accompanying commercial empire building especially c therise zanzibar east africa s capital d bantu cultural complex with its close affinity swahili andpolitical tolerance e relative linguistic homogeneity communities f thefactorofislam mostoftheabovefactors plus g german colonial policy which made lower levels ad...

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