File: Acbt Pdf 92877 | 5244 2activecycleofbreathingtechnique(acbt)
active cycle of breathing technique acbt active cycle of breathing is a technique which uses breathing exercises to remove phlegm from the lungs it is sometimes used alongside other clearance ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 17 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Active cycle of breathing technique acbt is a which uses exercises to remove phlegm from the lungs it sometimes used alongside other clearance techniques such as postural drainage or chest percussion can be performed initially you should start in sitting your physiotherapist will advise whether use an alternative position alternating depth move small airways at bottom larger near top where they cleared more easily with huffing coughing only carried out following instruction by general rules try maintain good pattern relaxed shoulders and neck breathe through nose mouth slow like sighing this minimises any wheezing control also called abdominal diaphragmatic rest one hand on abdomen keeping upper allow rise gently if imagine air filling balloon may help sigh ensure remain over few seconds gradually increase while maintaining relaxation essential part source physiotherapy department reference no issue date review page deep take breaths allowing lower expand end breath hold for let half b...