oxford university hospitals nhs trust physiotherapy the active cycle of breathing techniques what are the active cycle of breathing techniques acbt acbt is one way to help clear sputum from ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Oxford university hospitals nhs trust physiotherapy the active cycle of breathing techniques what are acbt is one way to help clear sputum from your chest it a set exercises that loosens and moves airways technique consists control deep huffing these repeated in until feels you can carry out when either sitting or lying down physiotherapist will discuss this with during assessment page gently using as little effort possible rest hand on rib cage upper abdomen feel rising under breathe falling try through nose then mouth at rate which comfortable slow relax helps loosen secretions take long breaths if pause end each breath for seconds like sigh keep shoulders relaxed should repeat steps several times before moving step huff exhaling forcefully but without coughing there two types medium volume move lower normal sized an lungs quite empty imagine trying steam up mirror high open wide quickly only perform huffs together repeatedly make tight listen crackles hear may now need cough spit th...