File: Guided Imagery Script Pdf 91749 | Guided Imagery Exercise
relaxation exercise guided imagery meadow and stream you can have someone record this script for you or record it for yourself once you have used it several times you may ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Relaxation exercise guided imagery meadow and stream you can have someone record this script for or it yourself once used several times may be able to call up the steps feeling without listening actual recording first of all get into a comfortable position just settle back your chair close eyes begin deliberate breathing holding breath few moments then let out slowly as do so now take in another deep hold until feel little tension chest go relax allow muscles body become loose limp soft like rag doll pleasant waves flow through soothing relaxing each every part including arms hands neck shoulders scalp face rest there quietly freely evenly relaxed stomach both upper lower hips legs way down feet ankles i continue talking these spread throughout penetrating deeply cell but no matter how right is possible even more yet awake aware my voice though attention wander from time simply bring images that am going describe imagine about open very large door opens suddenly find transported place ...