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picture1_Ayurveda Powerpoint 82963 | Exercise Is Medicine

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File: Ayurveda Powerpoint 82963 | Exercise Is Medicine
outline of seminar outline of seminar exercise fundamentals exercise fundamentals ayurveda on exercise ayurveda on exercise benefits of exercise benefits of exercise exercise physiology exercise physiology how exercise effects aging ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 11 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Outline of seminar exercise fundamentals ayurveda on benefits physiology how effects aging counseling patients recommended regimens related resources purpose the to teach main types their understand physiologic learn most effective ways recommend your what protocols why is so important a functional fit body foundation health exercising only way get in shape become without there no happiness thomas jefferson basics physical activity any movement by skeletal muscles that results substantive increase resting energy expenditure yard work shoveling snow sports weight lifting leisure time like basketball or soccer scheduled goal oriented jogging improved fitness performance management better purposeful aerobic with oxygen continuous w elevated heart rate anaerobic power exercises demand greater than supply core strengthening stability training flexibility balance sport specific ie agility...

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