asean food journal 14 1 1 14 2007 microencapsulation of vitamins 1 review paper microencapsulation of vitamins wilson n and shah n p school of molecular sciences victoria university po ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Asean food journal microencapsulation of vitamins review paper wilson n and shah p school molecular sciences victoria university po box melbourne australia introduction encapsulation technique has been utilised in the pharmaceutical industry for past functional foods are beginning to play a major years offer controlled release drugs role what consumers buy eat body rosinski et al it is relatively international life science institute new finding use defined as which maximising retention bioactivity beneficial effect on one or more target components during processing functions above beyond storage formulated product usual effects such improving delivering desired bioactive state health well being reducing site korhonen risk disease examples these types used include folate addition breakfast cereals encapsulate fish oil increase reduce neural tube defects polyunsaturated fatty acid intake higgins developing fetus milk fortification with probiotic bacteria calcium combat osteoporosis froze...