volume 1 issue 2 march april 2010 article 008 issn 0976 044x microencapsulation a review s s bansode s k banarjee d d gaikwad s l jadhav r m thorat ...
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...Volume issue march april article issn x microencapsulation a review s bansode k banarjee d gaikwad l jadhav r m thorat vishal institute of pharmaceutical education and research ale pune e mail rupali rediffmail com abstract the is well established dedicated to preparation properties uses individually encapsulated novel small particles as significant improvements tried tested techniques relevant micro nano their use in wide variety industrial engineering biotechnology applications its scope extends beyond conventional microcapsules all other particulate systems such self assembling structures that involve preparative manipulation covers encapsulation materials physics release through capsule wall or desorption from carrier many which are put key words core coating introduction this technique can be used for converting liquid drugs process by very tiny free flowing powder droplets solid material sensitive oxygen moisture surrounded coated with continuous film polymeric light stabilized i...