j res angrau 38 1 86 102 2010 microencapsulation technology a review a poshadri and aparna kuna nutriplus international crops research institute for semi arid tropics hyderabad post graduate research ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...J res angrau microencapsulation technology a review poshadri and aparna kuna nutriplus international crops research institute for semi arid tropics hyderabad post graduate centre angr agricultural university abstract the development of new functional foods requires technologies incorporating health promoting ingredients into food without reducing their bioavailability or functionality in many cases can provide necessary protection these compounds microcapsules offer processors means to protect sensitive components ensure against nutritional loss utilize incorporate unusual time release mechanisms formulation mask preserve flavors aromas transform liquids easy handle solid various techniques cab be employed form including spray drying chilling cooling extrusion coating fluidized bed liposomal entrapment lyophilization coacervation centrifugal suspension separation cocrystallization inclusion complexation this article describes recent advanced controlled at right place is key that provid...