File: Journal Pdf 88802 | 264862 Identification Of Groundwater Artificial Bdb9913a
international journal of engineering and technical research ijetr issn 2321 0869 o 2454 4698 p volume 8 issue 2 february 2018 ghqwl fdwlrq ri jurxqgzdwhu duwl fldo uhfkdujh vlwhv in ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...International journal of engineering and technical research ijetr issn o p volume issue february ghqwl fdwlrq ri jurxqgzdwhu duwl fldo uhfkdujh vlwhv in herat city afghanistan using fuzzy logic nasir ahmad gesim takeo okazaki abstract special attention has been paid to artificial ii propose groundwater recharge water resource management arid above statistics indicate that just the total annual semi regions parameters considered selection precipitation naturally since more locations are diverse complex this study factors such as slope infiltration rate than agricultural land is being irrigated by depth electric conductivity ec karez wells fed springs shallow determine areas most suitable for therefore it important augment aquifer effective thematic layers were becoming an increasingly prepared classified weighted based on centroid method aspect strategies de fuzzification integrated a gis environment conservation soil its proper utilization must also be algebraic product operator use ma...