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File: Journal Pdf 89970 | Ijce V3i1p108
ssrg international journal of civil engineering ssrg ijce volume 3 issue 1 january 2016 a review on artificial groundwater recharge in india debu mukherjee assistant professor department of civil engineering ...

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...Ssrg international journal of civil engineering ijce volume issue january a review on artificial groundwater recharge in india debu mukherjee assistant professor department batanagar institute management and science unit techno group kolkata west bengal abstract is as for water has increased awareness towards the use process induced replenishment theground to augment ground supplies reservoir by human activities it planned stated simply which activity augmenting amount excess surface directed into either available through works designed increase spreading using wells or natural percolation altering conditions infiltration aquifers resulting replenish an aquifer refers movement corresponding man made systems from abstraction earth underground bearing strata where primary objective this technology may be stored future preserve enhance resources various sometimes called way store parts includes conservation disposal times surplus meet floodwaters control saltwater intrusion storage demand...

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