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...Balke et al j zhejiang univ sci b journal of university science issn print online www zju edu cn jzus springerlink com e mail review natural water purification and management by artificial groundwater recharge klaus dieter yan zhu institute for geosciences tubingen sigwartstr d germany uni tuebingen de received dec revision accepted jan abstract worldwide several regions suffer from scarcity contamination the infiltration subsurface storage rain river can reduce stress possibly combined with bank filtration plant puri fication or use dams aquifers is especially advantageous in areas where layers gravel sand exist below earth s surface into uppermost aquifer has qualitative quanti tative advantages infiltrated will be reduced attenuation clay minerals iron hy droxide humic matter as well microorganisms located have high decontamination capacities this a final treatment if necessary becomes much easier cheaper quantitative effect concerns seasonally changing discharge that influences pos...