analisis akor substitusi dan voicing gitar jazz oleh tal farlow pada lagu misty naskah publikasi ilmiah oleh elifas musashi sonaru nim 1211819013 jurusan musik fakultas seni pertunjukan institut seni indonesia ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Analisis akor substitusi dan voicing gitar jazz oleh tal farlow pada lagu misty naskah publikasi ilmiah elifas musashi sonaru nim jurusan musik fakultas seni pertunjukan institut indonesia yogyakarta alumni fsp isi email elifassonaru yahoo com haris natanael sutaryo dosen musmal abstract in the ensemble format especially guitar often be instrumental accompaniment although it can also function as a melody instrument but over time is capable of standing alone by combining chords and simultaneously some people call chordmelody which identical with mastery chord substitution guitarist who has innovation development look at playing joe pass jim hall george benson kenny burell several other guitarists definition changing situation basic song or progressions into different sounds an absolute vertical arrangement notes called sequence tones substitutions are two important elements to apply necessary know type formation contribution world known complex style through performed sounded complexity...