development of a common rail type high pressure hydro geninjectorwithalargeinjectionrateandanabilityofmul tiple stage injection m nogami k yamane y umemura atsuhirokawamura this document appeared in detlef stolten thomas grube eds 18th ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Development of a common rail type high pressure hydro geninjectorwithalargeinjectionrateandanabilityofmul tiple stage injection m nogami k yamane y umemura atsuhirokawamura this document appeared in detlef stolten thomas grube eds th world hydrogen energy conference whec parallel sessions book stationary applications transportation proceedings the may essen schriften des forschungszentrums julich environment vol institute research fuel cells ief forschungszentrum gmbh zentralbibliothek verlag isbn injector with large rate and an ability multiple mai kimitaka yukio herc tokyo city university formerly musashi tech japan atsuhiro kawamura national traffic safety laboratory introduction it is definitely true that fossil depletion problem global environmental should be solved immediately vehicles used on earth are required to use produced renewably have power system low pollution efficiency output as well compactness lightness weight though various types vehicle being studied for those purp...