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picture1_Sensate Focus Pdf 87836 | Sensate Focus Exercises

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File: Sensate Focus Pdf 87836 | Sensate Focus Exercises
sensate focus exercises sensate focus exercises were developed by sex therapists masters johnson they can be used by any couple seeking to explore a new kind of intimacy these exercises ...

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...Sensate focus exercises were developed by sex therapists masters johnson they can be used any couple seeking to explore a new kind of intimacy these are typically done in steps or stages over period several weeks one person starts as the giver toucher and other is receiver partners then switch roles until reach stage when there mutual touching if you do morning enjoy sexual activity afternoon evening whatever timing works for key not mix with your normal activities stroking kissing occur anywhere on body except breasts genital areas use hand that don t normally write so re right handed left start partner s face take time every area loved also different types touch such rubbing squeezing tickling goal experience sensation try sexually arouse even gets aroused have an orgasm after minutes longer like practice this exercise times week begin breast but attempt intercourse leads before moving during will engage beginning progressing both become might lead from get into position going move b...

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