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File: Microencapsulation Pdf 87677 | Ijpcr,vol9,issue3,article11
available online at www ijpcr com international journal of pharmaceutical and clinical research 2017 9 3 233 239 doi 10 25258 ijpcr v9i3 8324 issn 0975 1556 review article microencapsulation ...

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...Available online at www ijpcr com international journal of pharmaceutical and clinical research doi vi issn review article microencapsulation nanoencapsulation a v suganya anuradha department biochemistry mohamed sathak college arts science shollinganallar chennai tamil nadu india guide mohammed shollinganallur th march abstarct encapsulation is process enclosing the substances within an inert material which protects from environment as well control drug release recently two type has been performed in several coating various another sizes on nano scale similar to aside it involving larger particles having done for greater period time than new technology that wide applications industries agrochemical food cosmetics this difference between micro explained gives overview different methods reason advantages disadvantages were also clearly mentioned paper keywords core polymers introduction therapeutic agents increases their rapidly expanding efficiency specificity targeting ability very ti...

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