tissue culture cip training manual 1 tissue culture laboratory 1 1 micropropagation unit a micropropagation unit includes a tissue culture laboratory and a propagation greenhouse when planning a micropropagation unit ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Tissue culture cip training manual laboratory micropropagation unit a includes and propagation greenhouse when planning we have to consider the following factors available space environment financing type of work be developed required production capacity according may three types units small scale facilities for in vitro can adapted house setting using equipment materials carry out basic activities this method could used micropropagate plants interested people or mother greenhouses but with great care avoid contamination problems b medium it is necessary design implement prepare specific working areas acquire increase efficiency uniformity results c large must designed actually perform maintain an optimum flow processes normally carried are glassware washing media preparation sterilization d ex aseptic transference cultivated e incubation growth up maturity f rooted plantlets transplantation accomplished part help personnel organization plant requires that comprises general area provid...