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picture1_Sq3r Pdf 87003 | Teaching Toolkit Booklet Without Keyskills 0

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File: Sq3r Pdf 87003 | Teaching Toolkit Booklet Without Keyskills 0
active learning methodologies 1 contents learning logs reflective journals 4 success criteria 6 6 thinking hats edward de bono 8 consider all factors 11 goal setting 11 one minute paper ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Active learning methodologies contents logs reflective journals success criteria thinking hats edward de bono consider all factors goal setting one minute paper kwl bme three before asking me fishbowl listening activity think pair share square snowball placemats my little book methodology students generate their own questions for tests card ranking five diamond in the hot seat mind maps concept mapping role plays simulation using photographs conscience alley walking debate www who what when evaluating websites skimming scanning sqr q notes cooperative strategies base groups read and explain pairs reading comprehension triads bookends sustained silent step interview name tags people bingo initiating relationships birthdays quick warm ups caper warming up jigsaw muddiest point throw ball fill blank lesson portfolios class brainstorm decisions group presentations backward test rip marking pppb pose pause pounce bounce gallery walk...

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