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picture1_Sq3r Method Pdf 86160 | 2010 2010276pbi

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File: Sq3r Method Pdf 86160 | 2010 2010276pbi
the effect of sq3r method toward reading achievement of the second year students at man 1 pekanbaru by wandi syahfutra nim 10614003415 faculty of education and teacher training state islamic ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The effect of sqr method toward reading achievement second year students at man pekanbaru by wandi syahfutra nim faculty education and teacher training state islamic university sultan syarif kasim riau h m a thesis submitted in partial satisfaction requirement for bachelor degree s pd department english abstract based on writer preliminary study it was found that most still less than enough this problem caused some factors example cannot identify general information text detailed so is interested carrying out research about administered subject object design pre experimental population all total number due to large researcher used cluster sampling taking two classes only as sample ipa xi consisted group control numbers from were analyze data adopted paired t test formula using spss after analyzing significant where shows level thus null hypothesis denied alternative o accepted which then percentage session also quite improvement could help improve abstrak pengaruh metode terhadap hasil...

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