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picture1_Sq3r Method Pdf 86223 | Bab21410130069

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File: Sq3r Method Pdf 86223 | Bab21410130069
chapter ii the theoritical foundation a sq3r technique 1 definition of sq3r technique sq3r technique proposed by francis robinson in 1941 is an increasingly popular technique used to read people ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Chapter ii the theoritical foundation a sqr technique definition of proposed by francis robinson in is an increasingly popular used to read people reading process that consists five steps survey question recite recall and review according estil strategy has been widely accepted because it designed serve not only as for increasing immediate understanding but also acid prolonging retention students play important role materials facilites who want efficiently systematically meanwhile olson said method can be illustrate behind most other techniques demonstrates how may use case which teacher set specific purpose chapters this surveying contents make tell content reviewing literature accoding soedarsono or pre get know material before full made recognize organizations general overview will with view accelerate capture meaning b getting abstact c knowing ideas d looking at composition organization e gaining interest careful attention f easy remember more understand easily done few minutes sy...

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