File: Phase Contrast Microscopy Pdf 85825 | Full Item Download 2022-09-14 03-18-03
journal of bacteriology nov 1968 p 1811 1817 vol 96 no 5 copyright 1968 american society for microbiology printed in u s a interference contrast and phase contrast microscopy of ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Journal of bacteriology nov p vol no copyright american society for microbiology printed in u s a interference contrast and phase microscopy sporulation germination bacillus megaterium anthony d hitchins arnold j kahn ralph slepecky biological research laboratories syracuse university new york received publication august the techniques nomarski were compared their utility monitoring germina tion technique permitted rapid easy delineation septation engulfment during whereas with these stages not detected at all later sporu lation easily seen by either thus seven as recognized electron thin sections five can now be rou tinely quantitatively optical stage ii engulf ment iii dark forespore corresponding to cortex formation iv bright spore sporangium coat v free vii this means that only i axial filament vi maturation refractile require routine detection there was advantage using optics studies bacterial has been divided into distinct based on examination used assess stained preparations fie...