09 05 40 an introduction to atomicspectroscopy atomic spectroscopy deals with the absorption emission or fluorescence by atom or elementary ions two regions of the spectrum yield atomic information the ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...An introduction to atomicspectroscopy atomic spectroscopy deals with the absorption emission or fluorescence by atom elementary ions two regions of spectrum yield information uv visible and x ray spectroscopic methods are used for elemental qualitative quantitative analysis elements present in sample converted gaseous free atoms a process called atomization using either flame electrical means then these can be treated several ways it excited itself their ultraviolet measured is both excitation mean this technique spectrophotometry faes subject unit course atomized techniques termed induced coupled plasma icp arc spark will units irradiated source while radiation named afs analyte from irradiation method aas as have no rotational vibrational energy transitions occur only between electronic levels bandwidths spectra very narrow line normally classified according type spectral involved determi detection limits many lie nation ppm ppb range summarize once gas phase they probed any spectrom...