unit 2 historical research structure 2 0 objectives 2 1 introduction 2 2 historical research 2 2 1 definitions 2 2 2 what is not historical research 2 2 3 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 14 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Unit historical research structure objectives introduction definitions what is not constitutes advantages limitations purposes scope of application applications in lis types importance process conducting identification topic and formulation problem collection background information or contextual hypothesis es systematic evidence data literature review rigorous evaluation resources interpretation synthesis into a narrative account internet scientific problems summary answers to self check exercises keywords references further reading after this you will be able describe as history who historian explain its library science understand identify the situations appropriate for kinds sources available follow criteria faced fundamentals people constituting society are makers well products that result modern howsoever we may try cannot escape it forms an integral part life affects our day living at all times taking decision daily often base on past experiences commonly understood refer events t...