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picture1_Writing Ppt 73190 | Writing A Personal Narrative 2

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File: Writing Ppt 73190 | Writing A Personal Narrative 2
what is a personal what is a personal narrative narrative a personal narrative is a form of writing in a personal narrative is a form of writing in which the ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 01 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...What is a personal narrative form of writing in which the writer relates to an event incident or experience his her own life events are most often presented chronological order they actually occurred time incorporates vivid descriptive details as well thoughts feelings and reactions how should be written for this essay you will need write about one specific that changed acted thought felt use your spring board reflection purpose not merely tell interesting story but show readers importance influence has had on makes good stories occur everywhere can told anything likely neighborhood some exotic locale potential happen daily actual putting them into language recounting orally entertaining informative lively believable mean something those who read other words any render full account answer commonly known reporter s questions where when why reporters ask themselves make sure their reports news complete whether engaging depends upon subject interest telling it skills weave together these ...

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