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...Co n s t r uct io a f et ym ua l ev is edn o v em b er cdaconstructionsafetymanual dis cla im ice theinformationcontainedherein waspreparedandpresentedwithreasonablecareandisbasedonthe most reliable information available to the author city of chicago and department aviation makes no warranty expressed or implied fitness accuracy completeness this in duct thecontractor tenantshallhavesoleandcompleteresponsibilityfortheimplementationofaprojector jobsite safety plan contractor tenant shall take necessary precautions for health employeesandfullycomplywithapplicableprovisionsof all sections cfr osha construction industry standards appropriate oshageneralindustrysafety andhealthstandardsorappropriate faaadvisorycircularoperationalsafetyonairportsduringconstruction g applicable from american national institute nationally recognized standard developing agencies fire protection association code electric local building codes anyotherapplicablestandards dueto changing nature regulations because n...