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50 Internet Safety Articles

icon picture zip Filetype zip | Posted on 22 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago

Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 50 txt files containing articles about internet safety. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. BW Internet Safety For Kids1
..... Violence, sex, nudity, and explicit language, pornography, online gambling, online predators, viruses, spyware, and adware; these are some of the threats that your kids can encounter while using the internet. And since you can't monitor them all the time, you need to find ways to protect your kids from these threats. Here are some of those ways: 1. Teach them to stay secure. Talk to them about personal security while using the internet. Tell them to refuse giving any personal information to people they meet online. Avoid filling out membership and survey forms that would entail them to state their personal information. .....


2. BW Internet Safety For Kids10
..... Toddlers and preschoolers start to discover things from their limited capacity. Their brain has the ability to store lots of information acquired through their active senses. They may still be dependent on older people but are pretty much capable of harnessing their motor skills. Internet threats to Kids Age 2-4 Years Old .....


3. BW Internet Safety For Kids11
..... Kids from 5 to 7 years old are very dependent on what their parents or older people tell them. They don't question people's authority although they are curious on finding out the "whys?" of everything. They are trusting and interpret the world as they see it. Internet threats to Kids Age 5-7 Years Old .....


4. BW Internet Safety For Kids12
..... Kids from 8 to 10 years old are still dependent on their family but starting to show interest in the activities that older people do. They begin to imitate older people that may seem to be a rehearsal of their entry as pre-teens. Internet threats to Kids Age 8-10 Years Old .....


5. BW Internet Safety For Kids13
..... The transition from childhood to adolescence is where kids develop their curiosity on the world they are living. Kids at this age encounter rapid changes in their body as well as in their lives. They test their capacity although they are still dependent on their parents. They test new things without consulting in someone older and think of themselves as grown ups. Kids of this age are the most vulnerable to danger. Internet threats to Kids Age 11-13 Years Old .....


6. BW Internet Safety For Kids14
..... Kids at this age start to exercise full freedom and independence. Sometimes, they try new things in order to test their capacity. But still, they lack the experience to judge things the right way and must be guided in areas where they are likely to commit mistakes, including the use of the internet. Internet threats to Kids Age 14-17 Years Old .....


7. BW Internet Safety For Kids15
..... The benefits of the internet are vital to your kid's growth, but it may also impose some danger when used incorrectly. So as parents, you should know the ways to keep your kids safe while using the internet. 1. Create a set of rules on how to use and what time your child can use the internet. It would be advisable if you discuss it with your kids or create the rules together with your kids. In this way, both of you can agree to each rule that you impose. This will give your kids a level or responsibility when they can participate on rule-making. .....


8. BW Internet Safety For Kids16
..... Chat rooms and instant messaging are potential havens for online predators and opportunist on kids' weaknesses and innocence. Unfortunately, these means of communication are so popular among kids and it is very difficult, if not impossible to ban the use of these. So to make sure that you are still safe while using chat rooms and instant messaging, it is important that you understand properly the dangers of these services and the ways to avoid them. Important Safety Advices for Kids .....


9. BW Internet Safety For Kids17
..... The most ideal way to watch over your kids is to sit beside them every time they use the internet. But this is simply impossible. So to make sure that your kids are kept from bad websites and other internet-based threats while you are away, here are the things you can do: 1. Keep your kids' computer account "limited". This will allow you (administrator) to limit your kids' activity the way you want it like automatically blocking downloads; .....


10. BW Internet Safety For Kids18
..... Being extra cautious when using the Internet is important; I bet your parents have mentioned these so many times already. But why? If your parents have missed explaining them to you, then here are those: Don’t… .....


11. BW Internet Safety For Kids19
..... Monitoring your kids' use of the internet by sitting with them is the most ideal way to keep them away from all the threats possible online. But this isn't possible all the time. So, to make sure that your kids are safe using the internet when you aren't around, there are a number internet safety rules that your kids should know. 1. Follow the specific time to use the computer. Explain to them why there is a need to set internet time. Let them develop obedience as a virtue and a sense of responsibility for their actions. .....


12. BW Internet Safety For Kids2
..... The internet exposes your kids to lots of information. This is why it is encouraged that they should start using the internet as early as possible. But it doesn't end here. The internet can also expose your kids to several threats including online predators. Online predators are people who exploit vulnerable internet users particularly kids for sexual and financial purposes. Although they can come from all over the web, they often use chat rooms or instant messaging to lure kids. .....


13. BW Internet Safety For Kids20
..... Staying away from the possible threats of the internet is the very first thing you should know after you learn how to navigate the web. Here are those: Do's: .....


14. BW Internet Safety For Kids21
..... Kids, listen up. I'm sure that you have an email account. And you certainly are using instant messaging system or IMs to talk to your friends or entering chat rooms to meet new friends online. However, hidden beneath the fun and excitement of chat rooms are the dangers from online predators you can meet, viruses your computer can have, and from ordinary users that may seem to be good people but actually aren't. So, it is always best to know what these internet safety tips are while you are inside these chat rooms. .....


15. BW Internet Safety For Kids22
..... Pay attention kids because this is important! You may have seen it from your parents or have heard from a friend but shopping online isn't as simple as paying at the counter of a grocery store. .....


16. BW Internet Safety For Kids23
..... Internet threats to kids come in different forms and sizes; and they are everywhere on the web too. So keeping your kids protected may be impossible if your computer itself isn't armed with the right tools to block these threats. Your question then is, "How am I going to protect my kids from these internet threats?" The most logical and probably the best answer is by using internet filtering software. (Names such as web filtering tools, content-control software, filtering software, web filtering software, web blocking software, and blocking software are also used to describe the same thing.) Internet filtering software lets you protect your kids from accessing undesirable web sites. It is designed to let you take control on what contents are permitted and not permitted to enter to your computer. .....


17. BW Internet Safety For Kids24
..... E-commerce has been growing around the world in recent years and traditional shopping has been replaced by a more convenient online marketplace. But with the growth of the number of shops shifting from malls to websites, there has also been a significant growth of non-existent online shops that only aim to victimize unsuspecting people. And since the targets are mostly kids, you should know how to avoid this scam by picking the right online stores. 1. Shop with your parents – There is no better way to shop online safely than by doing it with your parents. If you want to buy something online, ask them to spend time with you. They surely can tell you the good sites from the bad. .....


18. BW Internet Safety For Kids25
..... It is essential to maintain the safety of your kids anywhere they go and whatever they do. And with the internet becoming a whole new venue for kids to interact with other people, engage in activities, and encounter unlimited information, threats have never been more rampant. Therefore, keeping your kids safe while using the internet is as important as keeping them safe outside your home. Here are the effective tools that make sure you realize this: .....


19. BW Internet Safety For Kids26
..... Kids make a lot of visits to different websites. And if they aren't careful, they may stumble on sites that ask them about their personal information which can be picked up by other people for malicious intent. Other than that, some sites even deliberately ask for your kids' personal information in the forms of survey and non-existing contests that may lead them to your family's information. All these can put your kids and your family in great danger. Thus, helping your kids protect your privacy online is the best way to avoid the possible online threats. 1. Teach your kids that talking to people online is more dangerous than to talking to strangers on the street. Their names, address, school information, telephone number, email address, password, and bank information should be kept from strangers at all times. .....


20. BW Internet Safety For Kids27
..... Parents often remind their kids not to fill out forms on sites that ask for vital personal information such as name, address, email address, and telephone number. But, parents are often underpowered by the desire of their kids and the smart tactics of some sites. The problem is, parents often fail to teach their kids how to respond so that their personal information isn't disclosed. If you are one of them, then you need help. Here's how to teach your kids the proper way to respond to sites asking for personal information that would definitely keep their privacy at the same time while enabling them to still use the site. .....


21. BW Internet Safety For Kids28
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23. BW Internet Safety For Kids3
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24. BW Internet Safety For Kids30
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25. BW Internet Safety For Kids31
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26. BW Internet Safety For Kids32
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27. BW Internet Safety For Kids33
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28. BW Internet Safety For Kids34
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29. BW Internet Safety For Kids35
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30. BW Internet Safety For Kids4
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31. BW Internet Safety For Kids5
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32. BW Internet Safety For Kids6
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33. BW Internet Safety For Kids7
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34. BW Internet Safety For Kids8
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35. BW Internet Safety For Kids9
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36. BWI About Abduction
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37. BWI About Firewalls And Free Software
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38. BWI Case Studies
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39. BWI Caught In The Middle
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40. BWI Chatrooms Social Sites And Your Child
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41. BWI Know Who You Should Contact
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42. BWI Know Who Your Kids Are Online With
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43. BWI List Of Resources
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44. BWI Phishing And Your Child
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45. BWI Should You Violate Your Childs Privacy
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46. BWI What About Abduction
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47. BWI What Are Some Of The Dangers
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48. BWI What Kind Of Email Is Coming To Your Child
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49. BWI What Solutions Are Available
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50. BWI What To Teach Your Kids About The Internet
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