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25 Fire Safety Articles

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Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 25 txt files containing articles about Fire Safety. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. Basic Fire Prevention
..... According to the estimates of USFA in the year 2004 alone the number of fires that took place in the United States was 1.5 million. The estimated loss in dollars stood at staggering 9.8 billion dollars. More horrific figures reveal loss of death of about 3,900 approximately and about 18,000 injuries the same year. The USFA also said that during the same year the fatalities due to fires surpassed fatalities due to all sources combined. And the USFA also adds that even this number could be small in actuality as many small fires are not reported. The statistics also reveals that more than eighty three percent of all fatalities and eighty percent of the total injuries due to fires took place in homes. These figures come as a bitter surprise as most of the fires are pretty much preventable if adequate precautions are taken. Following certain basic fire safety guidelines could greatly reduce the chances of fires and protect the homes and people from this disaster from striking. One of the best ways to prevent home fires is to install smoke detectors at every floor of the home and also fire alarms. But, installing the smoke detectors alone would not serve the purpose. Some people think that “once installed forever installed” after installing smoke detectors. But, the fact is many a time the smoke detectors don’t work and do not detect smoke due to mere negligence on behalf of the house owner. The smoke detectors batteries should be tested and checked on a regular basis and in fact the smoke detector should also be tested in whole. Make it a point to replace the battery every year. Do not smoke at home. It is one of the biggest causes of home fires. .....


2. Choosing A Fire Extinguisher For Your Home
..... When it comes to the correct steps in battling against house fires, having a fire extinguisher handy is the first rule of thumb to follow. This will be your number one line of defense before the fire officials arrive. It is a good idea to have at least two fire extinguishers in your home. There are five elements that are present when a fire occurs: oxygen, heat, fuel, and some type of chemical reaction. All of these five elements form what is known as the fire triangle. Once the fire triangle is identified then the fire can be eradicated by either taking away or isolating any one of those elements of the triangle from all the rest of the elements in order to prevent a house fire. Today’s market offers various types of fire extinguishers. It is very important that you use the accurate fire extinguisher when trying to put out a fire. If you use the incorrect type of fire extinguisher there may be a problem trying to diminish the fire therefore making the extinguisher ineffective. As a matter of fact using the wrong type of conformity can cause the fire to reignite after seemingly putting out the fire. Make sure you do your research before purchasing a fire extinguisher, since most suppliers are ignorant to the suitable types of fire extinguishers for your home; it is diplomatic to do a thorough check on your extinguishers in your home. .....


3. Few Easy Steps To Prevent Fire In Your House
..... Building a home is the dream of every individual and it is this dream, which pushes you to work harder everyday to achieve your goal. Every member of our family is important to us and safety is a major concern when we live together. But there are certain things that we need to take care of while living in a home. With the passage of time our homes go through the normal wear and tear, it can be taken care off. However there are a few points which we need to know about home safety and which should be kept in mind while living in the home. We invest a lot of money on building our home and we would not damage our lovely homes intentionally. Many times disaster strikes and we are left in shock with the loss of our belongings and at times our loved ones. At such times we are helpless, but we can be prepared and must consider every aspect of safety in our home. Although people often overlook the possibility of danger in their own homes it can actually cause a great amount of trouble and can even leave them homeless. One such aspect is the dangers that can be caused due to a fire. There are many reasons for which a house can catch a fire and the cause of fire cannot be ascertained immediately. Most of the times a house catch fires because of the negligence of one or more people living in that house or due to a natural disaster. Let’s visualize that you are in the kitchen, using a gas stove to cook your delicious turkey but as soon as your turn that gas stove valve on, the phone rings. You drop what you were doing and go to attend to the phone call. It was your friend so you have a long chat with her and you plan for the evening to meet at a nearby pub. Now after you put down the phone and go to the kitchen you do not think about the valve, which you switched on, and light a match, there it goes. Not knowing about the gas leakage you turn the match and it catches a huge fire. This is not just a scene from a Hollywood movie but in fact it has happened a lot of times. .....


4. Fire Alarm Monitoring
..... If your company is looking to provide top quality security and safety to employees, you may want to look into contracting with one of the many fire alarm monitoring companies. There are lots of different reasons why this type of service may be beneficial to your company. First of all if you have a system that is perpetually involved in fire alarm monitoring, it allows you to keep track of when your internal system is functioning inappropriately within the standards of your local fire code. Majority of the alarm monitoring companies offer monthly upkeep as part of the contract, which allows your employees to concentrate on producing top quality products and services to consumers, instead of having to monitor and inspect these systems themselves. These fire alarm monitoring companies also offer services that involve keeping you alert to any advances or upgrades that can be added to your existing system to maximize its functionality. By evaluating any new developments as well as determining whether they will heighten your fire alarm system, it allows them to keep your system as up to date as possible. Their services also include notifying the police as well as the local fire department. Since the monitoring company is tapped directly into the fire alarm system they will automatically know when the alarms go off in any sector of your facility. They can take the initiative and set up contacts to the local fire department, giving them the position as well as any other information relevant to the location of the building on fire. Likewise they can also alert the police department in your area in order for them to respond and assist in keeping individuals from entering the building while fire officials are trying to contain the fire. .....


5. Fire Alarm Pull Stations
..... Fire alarm stations are most of the time located in the corridors of hospitals, schools or office buildings; they are usually mounted on the wall next to the fire exits. Majority of big buildings have these fire alarm stations equipped. These are placed there just in case you are walking in the corridors and you happen to notice a thick smoke or dangers coming from one of the rooms, then you will have a quick and convenient way to call for help. It helps if you don’t know the address or location of the building you are in or if you cannot get to a phone in time enough. So a surefire way of alerting the fire officials is by utilizing one of these fire stations. These stations are or should be located on every floor of the building; they are easy to use, simply pull on the activation handle. The pull station is conveniently connected to the fire department will automatically be alerted of your location so that they can dispatch to your home with no hesitations. These days they have many different types of fire alarm pull stations. The most common ones are the stations with traditional pull down lever. The newer models offer many variations of the fire station and how to activate those push buttons, and voice activated phones. Nonetheless, however it is activated; the fire department is immediately notified so that help can be sent your way. Although they are very easy to use and an easy to set off accidentally, it is wise to take necessary precautions to prevent this from happening. Majority of the time you will see these fire alarms covered in a glass casing to prevent accidental activation. .....


6. Fire Place Safety
..... Fire places are root causes of many fires every year. It is not that they are directly responsible for this, but it is for up to us to take precautions that will prevent fires from breaking up due to fire places. There are certain precautions and in fact some instructions to be safe from fires due to fire place. Compliancy to these simple instructions prevents you and your family from the hazards of fire. The first step to take is to get rid of all the junk near the fire place because than can facilitate fire to catch and spread. Who doesn’t love the warmth provided by the fire place but neglecting certain things which has potential to cause fires is not a good idea either. A fire place can quickly become a fire hazard if proper care is not taken. Proper care should be taken to keep things like paper (mainly newspapers), kindles and firewood at a distance from embers which are burning. Protecting the fir place with a screen is a great way to stop the embers from flying off and outside the fire place. When installing a protective screen, make sure that it does not have big holes allowing ambers to still come out. .....


7. Fire Safety Checklist For Home
..... Handling a tough situation needs some practice before hand, if it is to be handled properly. Similarly handling fire in home also requires some homework. Some inspection and practice is requires which will take not more than twenty minutes everyday. Firstly, a checklist should be made which requires questions to be answered to after thoroughly inspecting every corner of the home. The very first room of the house which is pose extreme fire threat to house is the kitchen. The checklist for the kitchen is: 1) Is the kitchen occupied by grown ups when food is being cooked on the stove? .....


8. Fire Safety Equipment
..... When it comes to the safety of our homes or the offices in which we work in, from the threat of fire, we look up to certain equipment or tools which are helpful in providing us with the maximum safety. House fires have become a common subject and every year many homes all around the world fall prey to the ruthless house fires which huff and puff and blow the homes down like the evil fox from the infamous story. They have now become the centre of discussion for many people and these people are constantly looking forward to find better ways to fight against such kinds of house fires. These methods of prevention need to be very effective and also, very efficient. If you look at recent studies, you will see that in the United States of America alone, homes worth millions of dollars are burnt as a result of house fires. This house fires leave the individual owners completely helpless. .....


9. Fire Safety And Evacuation
..... According to an estimate, in the United Kingdom alone, more than 100,000 accidental fires occurred in colonized buildings causing more than 600 human deaths. But a lot of people have been led to believe that these figures are not acceptable and that they are also avoidable. There are many things that can be done in order to save more lives. When it comes to fire safety and the law, there has been lots of extra legal focus placed on it in the 2006 Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order. These new laws include the necessary requirements for employers to carry out a fire risk assessment and act accordingly to what it finds. When it comes to the changes that can be made to an organizations facility in order to make it safer and more efficient, carrying out a fire risk assessment is the best way to identify these things. If you are equipped with the time and proficiency to carry out this process yourself then that’s all fine and dandy but it is best to leave this up to the professionals. Keep in mind that companies offering this service should only employ assessors that have at the least 10 years of experience with the fire brigade, as well as knowledge and efficiency to complete the assessment within a day. If they state that it will take longer than that then it would probably be best to choose another company to complete the task. Another good point is that by using outside companies to do the work for you, is a very cost efficient decision as well as security that they will comply with the required fire safety laws. Once the assessment is completed you should be provided with an easy to comprehend report that describes and explains time saving testing tips as well as procedures that can be carried out in order to keep your facility and employees safe from unexpected fires. .....


10. Fire Safety And Insurance
..... Insurance is one of the things which is thought about until when asked for. If you own a house, the whole responsibility is on you. But if you are living in an rented apartment, and there is fire due to a burning pan left by your neighbor unattended, it will be your responsibility again because you didn’t buy a renter’s insurance. Therefore, everyone is prone to danger, no matter if the fire is due to human err of a natural disaster. Renter’s insurance dose not cost more than a pizza deliver in a month. Majority of the renter’s insurance plans cover fire damages too. Discussions can be made with the insurance agents and insurance plans can be selected which covers the needs. Some insurance plans even cover really valuable objects such as your wedding rings. When buying a fire insurance policy it is necessary to think more than the house value. Suppose if the cost of the house is $200,000 and the insurance only covers the structure cost, then it would easily take more than this amount to rebuild the house in case of any disaster. This estimate included everything from rebuilding the house to possessions like jewelry to flatware. It is important that owners and renters make an inventories of the objects they posses in their homes. It would be very smart to take pictures of the contents of your home and store it in a sage or a lock box in order to achieve peace of mind. When you go through the process of claims, many questions such as “How many dishes were there in the flatware?” will arise, which will be very difficult to answer then. .....


11. Fire Safety And Kids
..... If you are looking for ways to teach your children fire safety in the home, it is not always necessary to find the information on the internet or in the local library. When it comes to fire safety there are no actual rules that apply. It is more like the commonsense steps to take to ensure the safety of your home and children during a fire. Child outgrowth education includes formulating some sort of plan. It is important that your house is well equipped with working smoke alarms. You should develop a plan that will inform the whole family, yet keep in mind it should be simple enough for children under the age of 12 to understand. Children have the tendency to be very curious so it would be good to beat them to the punch of finding out the hard way. Educate them about lighters and matches and the hazards that they cause. Try to make sure that they fully understand the use of these items and that they are not to be looked at as toys. If possible try to keep these things out of their reach. Also make sure to emphasize that fires are not always caused by children, as a matter of fact adults are more likely to set off a fire than children. For example the kitchen is one of the main spots that house fires begin. Food and other flammable products such as oil left on the stove at a high temperature are one of the many reasons that fires that tend to begin in the kitchen. It is a god idea to keep children away from the kitchen when you are cooking. .....


12. Fire Safety And Mattresses
..... One of the last thoughts that come in the mind when we go to sleep in that soft pampering mattress is the fire safety. In fact how many times in life did we ever think about fire safety when going to bed? The answer is probably never. According to statistics from CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) about 365 people die every year from mattress related fires every year i.e. about one death a day due attributed to mattress related fires. After reading this statistics you might be compelled to rethink about the present sleeping arrangements and have a look at the insurance policies. Mattress manufacturers per federal requirements are required to comply with a fire repellant regulation that saves many lives. The new regulation will make it more stringent for the manufacturers to make mattresses which are more fire proof to fires that take place due to lighters, matches, candles etc. While the regulations dealing with mattress fires do not completely eliminate the chances of fires but these regulations may give that extra little time to save them from fire. As many of us know that it’s only a matter of few seconds for fire to surround a mattress. But the mattresses that are manufactured keeping in mind the above regulation burns much slower thus giving more time for the victims to escape fire and save from injury or death. Fires caused due to mattresses are one of the leading causes of death for kids, one of the reasons why it’s so important to take safety precautions of highest order. Some of them are discussed as follows. .....


13. Fire Safety And RV
..... RVs which stand for Recreational Vehicles, the name itself tells the whole thing i.e. RVs are meant for recreational purposes. But have we ever thought about things that deal with the safety of the RVs. Most RVs whether it be small or big, or any type are pretty sophisticated when it comes to safety devices and are equipped with state of the art devices to ensure the safety of the passengers. So, every owner of the RV should know what they are and how to use them in case of an emergency. Some of them are for fire safety too. There are 4 common types of fire safety devices or extinguishers available i.e. A, B, C & D. Every alphabet represents an extinguisher for specific kind of a fire. But it is not unusual to find an extinguisher which as ratings like AB or BC or even ABC. What this signifies is that one kind of extinguisher can be used to extinguish the fires of other types. The NFPA requires that all RV’s have a BC rated extinguisher near the key exit. These types of extinguishers are primarily used to extinguish fires that are caused by liquids which are combustive in nature and also gases like oil, gasoline and grease. A BC type can also be used to extinguish electrical fires. .....


14. Fire Safety In The Home
..... In accordance with the USFA (U.S. Fire Administration) thousands of deaths and injuries were caused by house fires. It is a good idea to come up with an escape plan just in case a fire breaks out in your home. This way everyone will know what to do in case a fire breaks loose in your home. You and your family should discuss and design and easy to remember plan that is informative, efficient, and speedy. Remember, fires spread quickly so you and your family should also plan to move just as quick. Some of the topics that should be brought up when discussing a fire escape should include what every individual responsibilities will be assigned to each family member, what the two most safe escape routes are in your home (every room), as well as where to meet up once everyone is outside and safe from the fire. It would be wise to let every family member know that there will be no time to save anything, also that if possible, try to alert others by screaming loudly “Fire!” or something to let everyone know there is an emergency. Once everyone has been alerted individuals should crawl quickly to a safe exit. .....


15. How Do Fire Alarms Actually Work
..... Not too long ago fire alarm systems were considered luxuries and not a necessity. Now the times have evolved and in order to protect and secure the home fire alarm systems are highly recommended. It also adds value to your property in terms of selling/buying options. What the primary role of the fire alarm system is to detect the happening of a fire, and signal you before the fire spreads, allowing you time to secure your safety. They do this by way of heat sensors and/or smoke detectors that have the ability to track smoke or fire in the home. Most of the time these devices are positioned all throughout the home, and they are operated by a central fire alarm control panel. Once the detector senses a fire indicant such as smoke or extreme heat, the fire alarm system is activated. Then the sensors transport a message to the administrator panel, and the control panel sounds the alarm. Most of these alarm systems are also programmed to alert the local fire department of the danger as well. Also some of these fire alarm system indicators are connected to the sprinkler system, which automatically starts to run once the alarm sounds off. .....


16. Outdoor Fire Safety
..... When fire proofing your home the inside is a very big part of the inspection indeed but do not forget that the outside is also a safe haven for fires. You should keep in mind that the outside is also part of your home, so do not neglect to check the patio, the backyard, the roof as well as the garden. Minimizing the hazards in these areas is just as important as the dangers indoors. One example of a fire hazard that exists outdoors is storing of wood. When warehousing wood in your backyard it is imperative that you follow the basic preliminary fire prevention rules in order to diminish the chance of wood catching fire which can cause much larger scale disaster. That is why it is important to maintain your wood in safe manner, in order to reduce the occurrence of the fires as well as the strength and size of the fire. One of the first steps to take when making sure that the fire is stored safely is to make at least a 30 feet safety perimeter around the area that the wood is being stored. An example of a good safety clearance is a green lawn that is free of any types of fire hazards such as flammable debris, toys or lawn ornaments. Now when it comes to plants and fire, there are a lot of plants that are fire resistant; some more than others, it is good to plant these in the area designated as the safety zone. Even though these plants may be fire resistant, it is imperative that you get rid of any dry leaves, dead limbs, twigs, and rubble that surround the plant(s); preventing these things from fueling a small fire that can escalate into a larger much more intense fire. .....


17. Outdoor Fireplace Safety
..... Although not as popular as indoor fireplaces, outdoor fireplaces have their own audience and they come in various sizes, shapes and fashions. There are fireplaces that cater to different tastes of people like certain specific styles or designs or meeting certain budget criteria. Although quite particular about these criterion people often forget the underlying safety concerns related to outdoor fireplaces. However it is not to discourage people from buying them but to impress upon them the importance of safety specifications. It is not just about personal safety, but about the safety of the family and friends and also the property. Some of the important points that should be kept in mind while selecting a fire place and how to use them are discussed in brief in this article. Many experts recommend people to buy outdoor fireplaces with chimneys compared to fireplaces with fire pits or elevated fire pits for reasons like comfort and safety. The fireplaces with chimneys maintain better airflow which ensures a smokeless experience compared to other types. Fireplaces with fire pits have an inbuilt risk of getting tipped over to either side. One more important thing to remember is to never be careless about the combustible material lying around. Try not to get carried away in the fun and completely forget the fireplace. Outdoor fireplaces can be dangerous during a windy day, so pay special attention during those days. It is noted that powerful gusts of wind can cause outdoor fireplace to tip over and make the fire even bigger which can also get out of control if not dealt with on time. .....


18. Precautions To Be Taken While Burning Candles
..... Candles are no longer just source of fragrance or illumination, but they have become more of home décor item. Candles are designed in order to elevate certain moods and trends. The designs and fragrance are meant to match the home décor. Candles are used to make an atmosphere special at times of special occasions. As the love of candles is increases so is the risk associated with it. Statistics states that candles are becoming the growing fire cause. Just because of carelessness while handling candles is leading to injury and even death of innumerous people every year. Candles are bringing fire inside the homes of people. Therefore, it is very important to take extra precautions when handling burning candles. Not burning candles is not a precaution, although it might seem perfect but not practical. The best thing to do is to put the candle in a heat resistance environment. You need to be extra careful while handling tea lights and night lights because they prone to get very hot, hot enough to heat and melt plastic. Usually television is considered as the best candle stand. But the truth is that the material out of which television is made is not fire resistance. Therefore, it is important to have a proper candle holder. The candle holder must be designed such that it doesn’t fall over and must be stable. It should hold the candle upright firmly. .....


19. Safety Precautions To Be Taken While Cooking
..... Every year at least seven thousand people are injured in kitchen fires. Two-third of domestic fires are due to carelessness done while cooking. The kitchen is on the top among the causes of household fires. The sad thing is that the reasons for kitchen fires are always similar, across the country. The identification of these causes is a must as that will decrease the chances of fire in kitchen greatly. Firstly the surroundings of the kitchen must be made safe to cook in. Things must be organized on the kitchen countertop and shouldn’t be scattered. Things such as microwave, blender, food processor, cooker, and many other electrical instruments are arranged on the countertop. Firstly, the electrical leads must be kept away from the electrical appliances and from trailing over. Also water should be kept away from the electrical lead as that can lead to electric sparks. Plant pots are also a common sight in kitchens. They should far away from the electrical instruments. In fact, anything wet must not be place near the electrical appliances. Cloths and tea towels shouldn’t be hung on the cooker or kept on the microwave. The hob, grill and the oven must be kept cleaned. The build up of food bits and fat are very vulnerable to catch fire. .....


20. The Fire Plan
.....Safety in Preparing a Fire Plan House fires have become a common matter in daily lives of individuals, yet today people ignore the possibilities of a fire and aloof of imminent fire risks. This is one of the worst and pathetic things ever that could happen to a homeowner. No one would like to undergo the experience of his or her home catching a fire. There are a lot of reasons, which could lead to a house fire. The causes cannot be eliminated but we can at least play our role in providing safety to our loved ones and to the home we live in. This is the maximum that we could do. This would at least prevent and inevitable invitation to the fire in house. A lot of people overlook the importance of the fire and do not understand what great danger a house fire can possess to their lives. A house fire will not only damage your property but it can at large claim lives of the people living in home. Many times we come across news headlines on the front page of a newspaper that certain number of people died in a house fire or a whole family burnt alive in a house fire. Obviously we do not intend the same for ourselves and we will never like our loved ones to get hurt. Therefore we need to look at certain safety measures, which are deemed as the most important ones in terms of the house fires. One of the most amazing things that we can ever see in and around us is that most of the homes in America or any other part of the world do not have any fire fighting equipment at hand. Although we do not expect someone to have a fire engine parked in the garage but at least there should be fire extinguishers present in the house, which should serve their purpose at a time when they are needed to. In case of an emergency filing the water bucket from the washroom downstairs and taking it all the way up stairs will never be a wise idea. Most of the people do not think about the importance for having the fire fighting gadgets or safety measure. Once again, there are a number of safety measures that need to be taken care off. They must be carried out in the right order to fight a fire in your home when you least expect it. .....


21. The Best Tips To Fight Fire
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22. The Importance Of A Fire Alarm
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23. Types Of Fires Which Can Arise From Kitchen
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24. Updated Fire Safety
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25. Workplace Safety
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