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picture1_Grid Generation

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File: Grid Generation
why is a grid or mesh needed the grid designates the cells or elements on which the problem is solved is a discrete representation of the geometry of the problem ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 11 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Why is a grid or mesh needed the designates cells elements on which problem solved discrete representation of geometry has grouped into boundary zones where b c s are applied significant impact rate convergence even lack solution accuracy cpu time required questions what types grids how do we measure quality generate starting point for all problems describes shape to be analyzed can consist volumes faces surfaces edges curves and vertices points very simple more complex cube creation geometries created top down bottom up refers an approach computational domain by performing logical operations primitive shapes such as cylinders bricks spheres one first creates connects those form lines create combines using same pre processor software that used other programs e g cad graphics typical cell many different element available choice depends solver capabilities triangle d prism tri quadrilateral quad with tetrahedron base tet hexahedron hex pyramid triangular wedge arbitrary polyhedron termin...

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