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picture1_Technology Ppt 70618 | Generations

 72x       Filetype PPTX       File size 0.70 MB       Source: www.chalapathipharmacy.in

File: Technology Ppt 70618 | Generations
first generation computers time period 1951 to 1959 technology vacuum tubes size very large system processing very slow characterized by magnetic drums magnetic tapes difficult to program used machine language ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 30 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...First generation computers time period to technology vacuum tubes size very large system processing slow characterized by magnetic drums tapes difficult program used machine language assembly second transistors smaller faster cores disk high level easier third ics integrated circuits incorporated many electronic on a single chip small as compared nd then minicomputers accessible multiple users from remote terminals ic circuit fourth today vlsi scale integration millions of computer the personal and user friendly micro programs fast processor oop object oriented programming fifth future ai artificial intelligence...

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