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25 Baby Boomer Issues Articles

icon picture zip Filetype zip | Posted on 22 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago

Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 25 txt files containing articles about Baby Boomer Issues. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. A Second Career At Craft Shows
..... Baby boomers are a very creative people. But so often the demands of career and raising a family leaves little time for creativity in your middle age years. But as more baby boomers complete their years of service in their careers and move toward retirement, they have plenty of energy and creativity left for a new passion in life, one that expresses all that creativity of their youth. This is one reason we have seen such an explosion of craft fairs in the country which provide an outlet for all of that creative talent baby boomers are expressing through their arts and craft. The great thing about crafts shows is you can start wherever you are in your creative arts and continue to grow and become more skilled each passing year. To get started, you should take on this new hobby and small business with the same enthusiasm and passion you did when you were employed in your former career. That is the great thing about baby boomers having this kind of free time in the retirement years. There is so much talent and energy available that to not make it available to the public would be a crime. .....


2. An Aversion To War
..... If there ever was a baby boomer “issue” that has become engrained into the heart and psyche of a generation, it is an aversion to war due to the horrific experience if Vietnam. While a relatively small percentage of surviving baby boomers actually went to and fought in Vietnam, the scar on the national psyche was so deep that it has influenced the way baby boomers have thought about war and how they selected their government representatives for over 30 years. This is in stark contrast to the way the parents of the Baby Boom generation viewed warfare and the use of the country’s military might. Because World War II was such a necessary conflict and winning it would be the difference between a world of freedom or domination by a cruel dictator, that fight had a nobility and a clear cut purpose to it. So when we, as Americans, banded together to defeat Nazi Germany and her allies, it was an act of world changing sacrifice and nobility that shaped that generation. To the parents of baby boomers, warfare in a noble cause was the highest calling of a nation and part of our national pride. .....


3. Building Retirement Fortune Through Online Trading
..... There is a certain romance to trading on the stock market. Wall Street and all the drama of what goes on there seems exciting and a place where millionaires are made in a day. Fortunately, for most of us, Wall Street is a far away place and we would be too intimidated to actually try to trade in that complex environment. If you get a chance to visit and watch the frantic trading floor in action, that’s plenty. Baby boomers are notoriously self confident and have a generational attitude of, “If someone can do it, so can I.” When this attitude is brought to investing, that can set up a dangerous situation for the baby boomer from a financial perspective. The explosion of the internet which has put virtually every kind of transaction at our fingertips has spawned this new phenomenon of “Online Trading.” In theory, any baby boomer could sit down with their retirement money and with a flew clicks on their favorite stock investment web site, make a fortune over night. .....


4. Creating Retirement Wealth
..... As baby boomers are rapidly approach what used to be defined as “retirement age”, a big concern often comes up about whether there will be enough retirement savings in place to be able to live a comfortable life later in life. There have been plenty of rumbles from Washington that the Social Security system will not be able to bear up under the huge demand the boomer generation will put on it. So few baby boomers are looking to depend on that money being there, even though we are all paying into it every month. On top of that worry, the method our parents used of working for the same company for 50 years and retiring with a hefty financial package and a gold watch has gone the way of the dinosaurs. Long ago corporate America began to eliminate retirement packages as a straight forward benefit. So many baby boomers find themselves approaching retirement age with insufficient retirement monies to support them. What is needed is a solid plan to attack this problem while boomers still have a good 10 to 15 years of working potential in them. Some principles of that plan might be… .....


5. Defining Marriage All Over Again
..... Marriage is a funny thing. How you view it is drastically different if you are a teenager or youth with stars in your eyes compared to your vision of marriage when you have been ensconced in the practice for 20-30 years and looking toward a life in retirement as a married couple. Baby boomers have experienced every aspect of marriage from that early idealistic stage through divorces, various redefinitions of marriage and now taking their marriages into their retirement years. It may be that this next transition of marriage will bring as many changes to that special relationship as any that have gone before. How you view marriage as you move toward your retirement years without a doubt depends on how marriage has gone for you over the decades. If marriages are rocked with difficulty, separations and other woes, retirement can bring a new dimension to that tension. On the other hand, part of the commission of retirement is to begin to seek resolution of life’s struggles so working together with each other in the context of marriage can bring tremendous healing in this phase of life. .....


6. Hippies
..... A lot of baby boomers would like to forget that one of the watershed movements that defined the personality of this generation was the time frame dominated by, for lack of a better word, hippies. That term that seems somewhat quaint and antiquated now had a tremendous power in the mid to late sixties when it carried with it the impact of tremendous social change as well as a massive shift in public morality and consciousness. So while this is often a time of a bit of embarrassment for the baby boomer generation, it is also a formative part of their history and it deserves respect for that reason. To be fair, not all baby boomers were hippies. As is often the case, the hippie movement was something that got tremendous media coverage but it represented only a small portion of the baby boomer population at the time. By percentage, very few of that age group actually joined the “tune in, drop out, turn on” society of the hippies. But because hippies were a colorful, eccentric, flamboyant and sinful crowd, they titillated the public interest any time there was a public spectacle brought on by hippie gathering. .....


7. Looking Young And Feeling Young
..... Baby boomers may not have a corner on the market for an urgent desire to stay youthful but they certainly have set a high standard for creating a virtual avalanche of products and services to attend to that need. The quest to look young in baby boomers has resulted in an explosion of profits in the cosmetic and plastic surgery markets. It’s easy to criticize the desire of baby boomers to want to see themselves as youthful as simple vanity. But it goes a lot deeper than that. It doesn’t take a lot of research or analysis to see that baby boomers grounded their identities in the youth movement of the 1960s and 1970s. Before the boomer generation erupted like a generational volcano, there really was no youth movement. But in the 1960s, when youth culture virtually took over American and indeed world culture, everything changed for baby boomers and that change was never really reversed. .....


8. Meditation For A Richer Life
..... Meditation became part of the vernacular of lifestyle choices and a source of a lot of conversation as far back as the 60s for baby boomers when there was a big interest in eastern religions and things that were exotic and new. But while many of the flash in the pan interests in exotic religions during that time frame faded away in the life style of baby boomers, meditation has endured and become a common practice and resource that has benefited this generation in every decade of their lives. There is a good reason meditation has endured and even grown in popularity far beyond any religious context. Meditation has tremendous benefits for virtually every aspect of life and those who integrate it into their daily lifestyles can experience those benefits virtually as soon as they start. You don’t have to be a guru at meditation to realize benefits from the very first time to give it a try. Some of those benefits include… .....


9. Mentoring
..... Baby boomers owe a lot to mentors of their own youth that instilled the values that brought them into the world. You might not think back on the wild days of the 50s and 60s as a time when mentored youth were expressing the values of their elders. But there is really no way that such a powerful explosion of culture change could happen without the influence of teachers and mentors on the youth of the time. The mentors of the youth culture developed their values in the 40s and 50s. These were values that were outraged by the ravages of war and perceived injustice in society. The outcome of the civil rights movement, the women’s rights advances and other society changing movements show that the teaching of a few principled individuals can literally change the world. .....


10. Next Stop Retirement
..... It seems almost absurd for baby boomers to think about retirement as the next stop in their long and eventful lives. But the absurd has become a reality. As the baby boomer generation moves into their mid fifties and sixties, that specter of retirement looms ever closer. So it’s natural and appropriate to sit back and review exactly what that means to each of us. For many, the traditional attitude toward retirement has been one of joy. The concept of laying down your worries and bringing your work life to a comfortable end is something to look forward to. The image of a life of sleeping late, golfing as much as you wish, taking up two or three hobbies and living a life of leisure is an idyllic vision in our minds for sure. .....


11. Now Is The Time To Quit Smoking
..... We can only hope that the baby boomer generation will be the last one who grew up in a culture where smoking was cool and acceptable. The health passion of baby boomers that comes out of their dislike of anything that accelerates the aging process is one of the reasons the anti smoking movement has gained strength in the last decade. The reasons for quitting smoke are well known to anyone who has paid attention to the issue at all. . Smoking reduces the life span. For the baby boomer generation, living a long and healthy life is a way of staying young. Smoking not only shortens the life span but it is a plague to your health in every era of life. .....


12. On Not Being Stressed Out
..... The one thing that virtually all baby boomers have in common is the stress of living in this modern age. So much has changed for baby boomers since they first enjoyed those days of youth culture when hairstyle and rock music seemed like the most important things in the world. But, like all generations before them and to come, baby boomers had to grow up and take on the responsibilities of raising a family, making a living and figuring out their place in this big complicated world. Stress comes from a lot of sources. Obviously, we get it from work. We think of the work place as a source of stress because it is a place where making a living is paramount and there are daily demands, deadlines and schedules to be met. In addition, most of us have to deal with at least some difficult people during our workdays, which only compounds the stress. .....


13. On The Road
..... “On the Road” is a well known phrase to baby boomers because it is the title of that famous novel by Jack Kerouac of youthful exploration and curiosity. And even though technically Kerouac represented the generation before the time of the boomers, that novel very much became a bible for the youth movement that exploded during the 1960s when the boomers went through their teen and college years. As a result, there is wanderlust and a yearning to get away from it all and travel that is deeply ingrained in the baby boomer mentality and way of viewing the world. It isn’t surprising then that baby boomers as adults have created a leisure and travel industry that has reached new levels of popularity in the last three decades. So nobody would be surprised either when we see boomers in their early retirement years begin to look into becoming the ultimate wanderers by hitting the road in their RVs and staying on the go virtually nonstop. .....


14. Pampering Your Skin
..... The quest to stay young looking has become a virtual passion especially as baby boomers move through middle age. You can see it in commercials, particularly for women, who maintain that the effects of age can be defeated so the skin can remain smooth, soft and wrinkle free. While it’s easy to discount this quest for great looking skin as vanity, there is truth to the idea that taking good care of our skin is a worthwhile ambition for baby boomers as they approach their retirement years. Often we don’t think a lot about our skin. It seems so self sufficient and self healing that we take for granted that it will just get better when it suffers mild abrasions or cuts or other ailments. Few of us take the time to appreciate the fact that the skin is one of vital organs (the largest one) and that we should take care of it with as much concern as we do for our heart and lungs. .....


15. Roc And Roll Never Forgets
..... It’s a sad thing when we, as baby boomers, begin to feel like “old fogies” when it comes to music and the “hip” things going on in popular culture. It’s also easy to forget that the rock music and many other genres of modern music got their launch way back during the days when baby boomers were the young people changing society and it was our music that changed the world. So it’s good for baby boomers to remember such things about their heritage and what they passed on to the music and entertainment culture today. In the song “Rock and Roll Never Forgets” by Bob Seger, the singer reviews the changes baby boomers have gone through as they go from youth to middle age and deal with pressures of work, family, child rearing and changes in health due to aging. But the end result remains the same that at the heart of every baby boomer is a rock and roller who is just as capable as ever of enjoying the music that was the foundation of their culture. .....


16. Selecting Soldiers
..... The baby boomer generation grew up with a number of specters hanging over their heads. One fear that seemed to hang like an inevitable doom for the childhood and youth of this generation was that of nuclear war and the potential end of life on earth that these weapons could cause if used unchecked. But there was another much more real threat that was being used with great regularity and it meant a potential fate of death in a war associated activity. That was the specter of the military draft. This form of selecting soldiers was widely used for decades and over many wars and was considered the norm. .....


17. Selling Out
..... Buying and selling a home is one of those things that baby boomers have learned to deal with in adult life. For many who may have lived in their homes for decades and raised a family there, the physical space can take on tremendous sentimental attachment. As you walk around your home, you can think of a memory for almost every corner and square foot of floor space of that house. But there comes a time when it is time to loosen your grip on the old plantation and prepare to let a new family move in. For one thing, that home is a significant financial asset to you. If you have been in it for many years, it has almost certainly appreciated in value for you. So as you have paid down the mortgage, more and more of it actually belongs to you and not the bank. It has gotten more and more valuable, as the insurance company is more than happy to inform you. .....


18. Smart Baby Boomer Travelers
..... If you ask a representative sample of baby boomers that are approaching their retirement years what they are looking forward to the most about retirement, the most common answer that comes back is, “travel”. There is something about the romance and fun of travel that appeals to us as we think about stepping out of the work world and doing things we have been hoping to do for all our lives. And travel has that sense of adventure that calls to us when we look forward to a time when our responsibilities are few but we have the resources to realize our dreams. If travel is a major objective of your retirement planning, the earlier in life you get started planning your travel adventures, the more fun your trips will be. They say that anticipation is half the fun of a trip. So why not start now planning for your various destinations and the adventures you want to have when you get there? .....


19. Starting Over
..... The phenomenon of a worker who may have been in the work force for 40 years suddenly starting a new career at 50 or over is a trend that is exploding as baby boomers hit that age bracket. There has always been a phenomenon of older workers trying something new but the trend has hit such a new high in the baby boomer retirement picture. So you have to wonder what about baby boomers makes them want to start new careers late in life. Part of it has to do with the way business has functioned in the last few decades. In our parents working years, the norm was to work for the same company and be a “company man” for 40-50 years, get that old watch and retire with a handsome retirement package. That formula just doesn’t work any more. .....


20. The Actor Inside You
..... Baby boomers love the theater. And with good reason. The theater has always been an art form that teaches the love of culture and values that were important to baby boomers when they were enjoying those explosive years of youth during the 50s and 60s. You can see the influence of the stage even in the clothing and ways of expressing themselves that the “hippies” demonstrated when they were at their zenith. The love of the stage and culture that has become wide spread in the baby boomer culture also reflects that this has always been a very well educated generation. The fact that such a big percentage of baby boomers either had some exposure to the arts in college themselves or from their parents has been a healthy thing for preserving this important part of society throughout the time this generation has been in charge. .....


21. The Fountain Of Youth
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22. The Joys Of Gardening
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23. The Plague Of Worry
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24. Things Grandparents Know
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25. Working Together For Working Out
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