File: Dehydration Ppt Presentation Download 82992 | Emergency Care Dka Eng
slide no 2 slide no 2 programme 1 managing dka 2 treating and preventing hypoglycaemia 3 surgery in children with diabetes slide no 3 slide no 3 diabetic ketoacidosis occurs ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 11 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Slide no programme managing dka treating and preventing hypoglycaemia surgery in children with diabetes diabetic ketoacidosis occurs when there is insufficient insulin action commonly seen at diagnosis a life threatening event child should be transferred as soon possible to the best available site of care experience initiate type increased urine dehydration thirst liver weight loss ketones muscle nausea vomiting abdominal pain fat altered level consciousness shock clinical features pathophysiology what s wrong do you see elevated blood high lab glucose meter reading or polyuria polydypsia sunken eyes dry mouth decreased skin turgor perfusion rare electrolytes irritability change metabolic acidosis acidotic breathing ketosis...