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10 ER Nurses Articles

icon picture zip Filetype zip | Posted on 23 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago

Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 10 txt files containing articles about ER Nurses. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. Always On Duty
..... Nurses are responsible, along with other health care workers or professionals, for the treatment and caring for the injured and acutely or chronically ill people. Nurses attend to varieties of life and death matters in different health care settings. Emergency room nurses or ICU nurses specialize in rapid assessment and treatment, since every second counts in emergency cases. A nurse in this setting administers medication and assists physicians attending emergency room tasks related to medical care. Emergency room nurses are also responsible for keeping patient records. .....


2. E.R.Nurses Organization
..... Emergency nursing cares for individuals of all ages in critical condition of their illness or injury without preliminary diagnosis. It encompasses all ages and medical specialties. Preventive care education and injury prevention is becoming a larger role for emergency nurses. According to Kristine M. Alpi, the Associate Library Director Samuel J. Wood Library and C. V. Starr Biomedical Information Center, emergency nursing is one of the fastest growing specialties in the nursing profession. In 2000, there was a whooping 95,000 registered nurses employed in the United States alone. With this large number of emergency room nurses there is a need for an organization that will gather and look after these medical professionals. .....


3. E.R.Nurses Shorthanded
..... You rushed a friend at 10:00 in the evening to the nearest hospital due to unbearable chest pain. But at the emergency department, you were greeted with a number for patients waiting to be attended to. It took 30 minutes before your friend was taken care of by the emergency nurses. You wonder, what is this shortage about emergency nurses? Aren’t there enough people who would like to take care of sick people anymore? .....


4. E.R.Nurses Getting Hurt
..... Emergency nurses are starting to get hurt. According to the Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services International Conference held in Berlin this year, 98 percent of emergency room nurses in the Unites States reported verbal harassment and 67 percent reported physical violence. .....


5. E.R.Nurses In A Maze
..... Millions of patients walk into emergency rooms every year to get medical attention. With the proliferating of medical series, everybody seems to be amazed with the 24 hour action hospital department with emergency nurses running and treating critically injured victims. But how does emergency room really works? .....


6. Hazards Of Being An E.R.Nurse
..... Emergency nursing is a specialized field of the nursing profession. In this field, nurses are equipped and trained to deal with patients in critical phase of their illness and injury. Emergency room nurses are capable of treating patients in this phase without any or complete diagnosis. Emergency room nurses are used to fast paced environment. Since the emergency department of a hospital, is usually overcrowded emergency room nurses can be seen multitasking to balance and prioritize patients and their time. How dangerous is it to be working in a hospital? .....


7. Nursing The E.R.Nurses
..... According to the Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services International Conference held in Berlin this year, 98 percent of emergency room nurses in the Unites States reported verbal harassment and 67 percent reported physical violence. While in Canada, 84 percent of the nurses in the emergency department witnessed verbal harassment once in every shift. While there are 90 percent of them claimed to experience verbal abuse at least once a week. In Australia, there are 70 percent of nurses who experience violence at least five times a week. .....


8. Travel&Medicine Tourist ER Nurse
..... As an emergency room nurse (E.R. nurse), the opportunity to work in different settings including urgent care centers and emergency departments are always present. A career as an E.R. nurse provides the excitement and adrenaline rush for registered nurses looking for action packed scenes inside the hospital. Emergency room nurses are very much in demand and there are numerous ER nurse jobs available in different settings. It may even allow ER nurses to travel to exciting locations. .....


9. US Trade In ER Nurses
..... There are several hospitals in the United States that are experiencing immense shortages of registered nurses, emergency nurses and other health care professionals. There is approximately a whooping 80 to 85 percent of American hospitals mention shortage while 15 percent expresses concern about the severe shortage they are experiencing. .....


10. Wanted E.R.Nurse
..... Emergency room nurses are nurses specialized in emergency and disaster situations. They are responsible for giving first or preliminary medication or treatment for patients on critical stage of their illness and injury. Emergency room nurses are noted for their speed, efficiency, ability to multitask and provide medical care. But how can one become an emergency room nurse? Of course, formal education and training is required to become an emergency nurse. Emergency room nurses should have the skill to manage basic life support since they are the ones responsible for the patient while the doctor or the physician is unavailable. One interested in becoming an emergency room nurse should be a graduate from an accredited nursing school. The licenses should be legal and in good standing. Emergency room nurses should be willing to engage in nursing Practice Act. .....


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