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picture1_Heterocyclic Compounds Slideshare 82260 | Heterocyclic Compounds

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File: Heterocyclic Compounds Slideshare 82260 | Heterocyclic Compounds
heterocyclic chemistry heterocyclic chemistry n five membered heterocycles s o pyrrole furan and thiophene to identify types of five membered heterocyclic 1 compounds to know sources of five membered heterocyclic ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 09 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Heterocyclic chemistry n five membered heterocycles s o pyrrole furan and thiophene to identify types of compounds know sources syntheses understand chemical reactions hetero monocyclic a rings with one heteroatom the main reason for study came from work on structure haem blood respiratory pigment chlorophyll green photosynthetic plants its derivatives occurs in petroleum widely secondary plant metabolites especially terpenoids unsubstituted are usually obtained x nh h colorless liquids boiling points respectively has relatively high point as compared this is due presence intermolecular hydrogen bonding...

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