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picture1_Heterocyclic Compounds Slideshare 82060 | Nomenclature Of Heterocyclic Compounds

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File: Heterocyclic Compounds Slideshare 82060 | Nomenclature Of Heterocyclic Compounds
what are heterocyclic compounds these are considered to be derived from the carbocyclic compounds by the replacement of one or more carbon atoms by the heteroatom s such as n ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 09 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...What are heterocyclic compounds these considered to be derived from the carbocyclic by replacement of one or more carbon atoms heteroatom s such as n o etc introduction in earlier days organic chemistry names were given a means identifying them usually before their structure known systematic nomenclature is necessary so that compound can deduced its name several different systems have been devised for most far but normally particularly aromatic heterocycles hybrid trivial and hantzch widman used common ring structural identification on basis characteristic properties sources which they obtained eg picoline furfurol pyrrole therefore hardly provide any information there about recognized pyrole pyrazole pyran purine pyrimidine quinoline isoquinoline xanthene perimidine why surviving important because constructing derivatives polycyclic...

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