heterocyclic compounds heterocycles form the largest class of organic compounds in fact many natural products and most drugs contain heterocyclic rings the colors of flowers and plants antibiotics known to ...
Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 09 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Heterocyclic compounds heterocycles form the largest class of organic in fact many natural products and most drugs contain rings colors flowers plants antibiotics known to all as penicillins that transport oxygen we breathe our vital organs components dna responsible for genetic code are from an chemist s viewpoint heteroatoms atoms other than carbon or hydrogen may be present common nitrogen sulfur one more these replaces a ring criteria aromaticity huckel rule aromatic those have heteroatom behave manner similar benzene some their properties i e react by electrophilic substitution further comply with general proposed compound must cyclic molecule is planar lie same plane so there continuous nearly overlap p orbitals fully conjugated orbital at every atom c they double bonds bear positive negative charge ions has closed loop n electrons arrangement where integral number erich german physical recognized early through mo calculations molecules system should this finding called electron ...