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picture1_Heterocyclic Compounds Slideshare 82113 | 2 2021 09 17!02 25 53 Pm

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File: Heterocyclic Compounds Slideshare 82113 | 2 2021 09 17!02 25 53 Pm
alkaloids and heterocyclic compounds alkaloids alkaloids are a class of basic and cyclic organic compounds naturally occurring consist of carbon hydrogen mainly and nitrogen and usually oxygen alkaloids alkaloids are ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 09 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Alkaloids and heterocyclic compounds are a class of basic cyclic organic naturally occurring consist carbon hydrogen mainly nitrogen usually oxygen produced by large variety organisms including bacteria fungi plants animals primarily found in so their functions plant metabolism catabolism physiology also used as pharmacological drugs due to its treatment activities malaria is one the world s most dangerous parasitic disease major public health challenge especially africa alkaloid antimalarial drug quinine treat caused mosquito bites countries where common this medication kill parasites living inside red blood cells parasite attack damaged omacetaxine with antitumor properties originally identified nearly years ago it has unique mechanism action preventing initial elongation step protein synthesis been widely china for leukemia...

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