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picture1_Heterocyclic Compounds Slideshare 81962 | Ppt Ueu Kimia Bahan Alam Ii 9

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File: Heterocyclic Compounds Slideshare 81962 | Ppt Ueu Kimia Bahan Alam Ii 9
the term alkaloid alkali like is commonly used to designate basic heterocyclic nitrogenous compounds of plant origin that are physiologically active derived from amino acids https www esaunggul ac id ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 09 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The term alkaloid alkali like is commonly used to designate basic heterocyclic nitrogenous compounds of plant origin that are physiologically active derived from amino acids https www esaunggul ac id deviation definition basicity some alkaloids not e g colchicine piperine quaternary nitrogen in a ring ephedrine mescaline bacteria fungi insects frogs animals biosynthesis purine steroidal qualitative chemical tests for general answered by all as follows dragendorff s test ml solution add few drops reagent potassium bismuth iodide an orange brown precipitate formed mayer mercuric white hager saturated picric acid yellow wagner iodine reddish physical properties state most crystalline solids amorphous emetine liquids either volatile nicotine and coniine or non pilocarpine hyoscine color majority colorless but colored berberine betanidine salts sanguinarine copper red solubility basa dan garamnya larut dalam alcohol secara umum pelarut organic tidak air exceptions caffeine codeine ammonium ...

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