heterocyclic amines five atom rings of the five atom rings the simplest one is pyrrolidine which is a ring of four carbon atoms and one nitrogen atom all with single ...
Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 09 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Heterocyclic amines five atom rings of the simplest one is pyrrolidine which a ring four carbon atoms and nitrogen all with single bonds pyrrole two double imidazole that contains general organic biological chemistry structures life e pearson education inc karen c timberlake six piperidine responsible for pungent aroma taste black pepper purine pyrimidine are found in dna rna combined link to health alkaloids plants physiologically active compounds produced by contain used anesthetics antidepressants as stimulants many habit forming nicotine an alkaloid stimulant increases level adrenaline blood heart rate n pressure addictive because it activates ch pleasure centers brain caffeine coffee beans tea chocolate soft drinks central nervous system alertness but may cause insomnia morphine codeine obtained from oriental poppy plant painkillers cough syrups...