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picture1_2 2020 02 03!11 33 35 Pm

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File: 2 2020 02 03!11 33 35 Pm
lecture 3 organic chemistry amines amines amines are a group of organic compounds that are derived from ammonia nh figure 1 compounds that has a nitrogen atom connected with two ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 09 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Lecture organic chemistry amines are a group of compounds that derived from ammonia nh figure has nitrogen atom connected with two hydrogen atoms and single some other for example r if replaced by also formula structure classification classified the number attached central as shown in follow primary rnh consist one carbon attach to will be where is an alkyl water soluble secondary have n h groups molecule been hydrocarbon tertiary rn haven t insoluble although don so can form bonds themselves they molecules just using lone pair on quaternary nr positively charged polyatomic ions being or aryl reference https www google com url sa i source images cd ved ahukewir ap fnahxckqkhrtzcmsqjbbagbeam f fwww masterorganicchemistry psig aovvawliblnfdtcly fuxwg ust our life present amino acids building blocks proteins hemoglobin blood many vitamins enzymes living beings built serotonin important amine functions neurotransmitters brain it controls feelings happiness hunger helps regulating sleeping ...

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