Tool Box Talk No 42 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Page 1 of 2 Person Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview This talk will cover: the measures necessary to ensure that the use of PPE is effective. What is PPE? 1 PPE is equipment or clothing worn to protect the user from known hazards in the workplace. 2 In construction, the commonly worn items of PPE are safety helmets and safety footwear. 3 Other examples of PPE are respirators, safety harnesses, ear-plugs, safety goggles, protective gloves and some clothing. Limitations 1 PPE will only protect the user. 2 It must be used in accordance ...
Tool Box Talk No.75 Person Protective Equipment What is PPE? 1 PPE is equipment or clothing worn to protect the user from known hazards in the workplace. 2 In construction, the commonly worn items of PPE are safety helmets and safety footwear. 3 Other examples of PPE are respirators, safety harnesses, ear-plugs, safety goggles, protective gloves and some clothing. Limitations 1 PPE will only protect the user. 2 It must be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions: do not misuse PPE. 3 The actual level of effectiveness is difficult to assess. 4 It must be in good ...
TOOL BOX TALK #5 Wearing and Caring For PPE Personal Protective Equipment is intended to protect you from risks, which cannot be eliminated or guarded against by other more effective means. Your employer must assess the work you do and take all reasonable steps to eliminate or reduce risks (PPE Regulations). If he decides that some risk still remains he must provide you with PPE. Some risks are deemed to be always present on building sites, hence separate Regulations require ‘hard hats’ to be worn in ‘hard hat areas’, at all times. 1. You have a duty to ...