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picture1_Carbohydrates Ppt Nutrition 81036 | 38721 Item Download 2022-09-08 11-56-29

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File: Carbohydrates Ppt Nutrition 81036 | 38721 Item Download 2022-09-08 11-56-29
learning objectives o upon completion of this module the student will be able to 1 define macronutrients and identify what the food sources are for the macronutrients 2 define micronutrients ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 08 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Learning objectives o upon completion of this module the student will be able to define macronutrients and identify what food sources are for micronutrients major components a healthy diet patients at nutrition risk causes malnutrition those who malnourished explain benefits breastfeeding during infancy definitions nutrient is any substance in that body can use obtain energy synthesize tissues or regulate processes carbohydrates proteins lipids vitamins minerals water primary source calories glucose kcal gm s preferred fuel most people get about half all their from breads grains cereals rice pastas biggest dairy non alternatives milk yogurt soy fruits form fresh frozen juice canned dehydrated vegetables also have some common vegetable based carbs western peas corn potatoes sweets cakes cookies ice cream pastries etc no meats cheeses carbohydrate rich foods an important fiber antioxidants fats essential health cellular membrane structure function myelin sheath nervous system fat tissue ...

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