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picture1_Electronic Payment System Ppt 80318 | Clark   B2b Payments Evolving Landscape

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File: Electronic Payment System Ppt 80318 | Clark B2b Payments Evolving Landscape
agenda payment systems overview current environment six core payment systems comparisons and attributes shift in payment methods changing payment landscape the innovators in the emerging landscape how the consumer space ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 07 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Agenda payment systems overview current environment six core comparisons and attributes shift in methods changing landscape the innovators emerging how consumer space is driving innovation crossover to bc bb technologies payments goals challenges information herein considered proprietary confidential a system any used settle financial transactions through transfer of monetary value transfers institutions instruments people rules procedures standards common operational network that links bank accounts provides for exchange using deposits processing type real time or batch closed open loop push pull settlement processes timing delays electronic paper competitors brands extent regulation economics total cost interchange part does fraud protection work complex are ownership it operates risks checking banks private intra clearing by image recipient bears nsf risk processors primarily some credit card publicly privately authorization guaranteed good funds from owned networks most known as de...

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