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51 Operating Systems Articles

icon picture zip Filetype zip | Posted on 23 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago

Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 51 txt files containing articles about operating systems. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. Windows 98
..... Windows 98 – codenamed Memphis – was released by Microsoft Corporation on June 25, 1998. Windows 98 was the successor to Windows 95 and presented a hybrid 16-bit/32-bit monolithic product which was based on MS-DOS. It was quickly followed by an updated to the operating system with Windows 98 SE (second edition) as Microsoft attempted to fix many bugs that were present in the original version. Among the newer features of Windows 98 were better AGP (accelerated graphics port) support, functional USB (universal serial bus) drivers, and support for multiple monitors and Web TV. It also featured support for the FAT32 file system allowing it to support disk partitions larger than the two gigabyte maximum accepted by Windows 95. It was also the first version of Windows to support ACPI (advanced configuration and power interface. .....


2. 64bit Operating System
..... The 64-bit operating system is one that is capable of storing information in memory that is at least 64 bits or 8 bytes wide. They are also based on registers, address buses, or data buses of that same size. A bus is a subsystem that transfers data or power between computer components inside a computer or between computers. The bus is controlled by a device driver similar to those that control outside peripherals like a mouse or printer. 64-bit CPUs have existed in super computers since the 1960’s and work stations and servers since the 1990’s. While this architecture has been around for awhile, 64-bit operating systems are relatively new concepts in the computer world. Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Mac OS X Tiger are all 64-bit operating systems. .....


3. Alternative Operating Systems
..... Even though most personal computers are sold today with Windows pre-loaded, there are alternative operating systems that you can choose to install yourself. Advances are constantly being made in computer programming that allows computer users to choose what operating system they want to use. Of course, Windows is one of the easiest operating systems to have. It is loaded on most computer systems, so you can use other systems besides your own with ease and without having to learn a new program. Windows is designed to be user-friendly with point and click technology that allows nearly anyone to easily become a computer expert. .....


4. Apple Computers
..... In 1976, three enterprising young men founded Apple Computers, Inc, with the intention of creating and distributing personal computers. Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne began with a dream of making super computers smaller and available to the public. They built their computers in Jobs’ parent’s garage and debuted the Apple I personal computer kit the year they founded Apple. Eventually, 200 of these computers would be built. Jobs approached a local computer store, The Byte Shop, which ordered fifty units and paid $500 for each unit after much persuasion from Jobs. Jobs then ordered components from Cramer Electronics, a national electronic parts distributor. Using a variety of methods, including borrowing space from friends and family and selling various items including a Volkswagen Type 2 bus, Jobs managed to secure the parts needed while Wozniak and Ronald Wayne assembled the Apple I. .....


5. Best Operating System
..... There is much controversy and speculation as to which operating system on the market is really the best operating system to use. There are some people who say that one is better than the other, and there’s no doubt that everyone is going to have an operating system that they prefer. Still others never really think about their operating system, so they have no opinion on which one is best. They just use their computers and go on their merry ways. So which is the best operating system? Some people prefer Mac OS X. This operating system was the first to integrate graphical user interface to make it easy to use. GUI lets the user just point and click to open programs, use the programs, and navigate their system. Mac OS X is usually used on Apple Macintosh computers and is often preferred by Mac users exclusively. .....


6. Computer Operating Systems
..... Computer operating systems have evolved over the years to become one of the most integral software components of a computer system. Without the operating system, being able to use a personal computer would be much more difficult. The operating system allows the user to easily and more successfully navigate the computer system without having to know complicated commands and requests. In the early days of computers, operating systems weren’t part of the overall system configuration. They came about after the super computers had already been invented. Before operating systems, information was input into the computer with punch cards. The system wasn’t very efficient and required knowledge of punch card machines just to get the desired information from the computer. .....


7. Definition Of Operating System
..... While an operating system is a central part of your computer system, knowing the definition of an operating system is not integral to knowing how to use one. However, when you do know the definition of an operating system, you can better understand what it is doing inside your computer to make it run and to make using it easier for you. In its basic form, the definition of an operating system is as follows: a set of computer programs that manage the hardware and software resources of a computer system. We can add to that definition to say that an operating system rationally processes electronic devices in response to approved commands. .....


8. Disk Operating System
..... The words disk operating system refers to system software used in most computers that provides the abstraction and management of secondary storage devices and the information on them. For example, you have several files systems meant for organizing data files of all sorts. Such software is referred to as a disk operating system when the storage devices it manages are made of rotating platters such as hard disks or floppy disks. In the early days of micro computing, memory space was often limited so the disk operating system was an extension of the operating system. This component was only loaded if it was needed. Otherwise, disk access would be limited to low-level operating such as reading and writing disks at the sector level. .....


9. Download Linux Operating System
..... With the growing popularity of the Linux operating system, many people wonder where to go and how to go about downloading the program. Because Linux is a free operating system, it is available for download in a few places, and installing it is easy to do. The best place to download the official version of the Linux operating system is to go to www.linux.org and click on their download link. You should receive a pop-up box asking if you want to save it or run it – just save to your “My Documents” folder (if you are using Windows) and then let it download. .....


10. Drivers
..... A device driver or a software driver is a specific type of computer software typically developed to allow interaction with hardware devices such as a mouse or a printer. This software causes an interface for communicating with the device through the specific computer “bus” or communication subsystem that the hardware is connected to. The software provides commands to and receives data from the device and, on the other end, the requisite interfaces to the operating system and software applications. In plain English, a device driver is a program that allows various hardware to work on your system. The driver will allow your hardware to communicate with your operating system making the devices operable in the proper way. The user installs the driver and then the program allows the hardware to operate transparently without user input. .....


11. Embedded Operating System
..... An embedded operating system is one that is designed to be very compact and efficient forsaking many functionalities that non-embedded computer operating systems provide. They may not be used by the specialized applications that they run and are frequently real-time operating system. An embedded system is some combination of computer hardware and software, either fixed in capability or programmable, that is specifically designed for a particular kind of application device. Industrial machines, automobiles, medical equipment, cameras, household appliances, airplanes, vending machines, and toys (as well as the more obvious cellular phone and PDA) are among the myriad possible hosts of an embedded system. Embedded systems that are programmable are provided with a programming interface, and embedded systems programming is a specialized occupation. .....


12. Free Operating System
..... A free operating system is one that is available to the general public. It is software that can be used, copied, studied, modified, and redistributed with little or no restriction. Therefore, software is free if its source code (the human readable form of the software) is available with a software license that grants recipients these permissions or if the source code is in the public domain. The concept of free software came about as a reaction by several people who felt that big companies like Microsoft were limiting the software market by making their programs available only for a fee. They felt that computer usage should be free for everyone. That includes the software that comes with the computers. .....


13. Functions Of Operating Systems
..... The operating system on your computer has many functions. While you may not be aware of what many of them are or actually do, the operating system helps you navigate your computer more easily and allows you to manage programs and functions with the computer system itself. One function of your operating system is process management. Every program running on a computer – whether it is in the background or the foreground – is a process. Generally, only one process per CPU can run at one time. However, multiple processes can run through multi-tasking which entails switching processes very quickly. The operating system makes this type of multi-tasking possible. .....


14. GNU
..... GNU – pronounced guh-noo – is computer operating system software comprised entirely of free software. Its name is a recursive acronym for “GNU’s not UNIX” which was chosen because its design is UNIX-like by being free software without containing any UNIX code. As of 2007, GNU is being actively developed, but a complete GNU system has yet to be released. In 1983, a gentleman named Richard Stallman publicly announced the beginning of development for the GNU software. His goal was to bring a wholly free software operating system into existence. He wanted computer users to be free as most were in the 1960’s and 1970’s. This meant having the freedom to study the source code of the software they use, the freedom to share the software with other people, the freedom to modify the behavior of the software, and the freedom to publish their modified versions of the software. .....


15. Hardware
..... Your computer’s hardware is the physical part of the computer, not to be confused with software which is not physical. Computer hardware includes the digital circuitry. Computer hardware includes the central processing unit (CPU), the monitor, the keyboard, the mouse, and the printer as well as any other peripherals you want to add such as a scanner or a video camera. The hardware of a computer is not very often changed as opposed to the software and data which can be changed all the time depending on user requirements. Most computer hardware is not seen by the user. In fact, there are many common household objects that contain hardware that is embedded in systems in automobiles, microwave ovens, and compact disc players. .....


16. History Of Operating Systems
..... The history of computer operating systems is relatively new. Early versions of computers didn’t run on any kind of operating system which made them difficult to operate for the general user. The user had sole use of the machine and would arrive armed with programs and data usually on punched paper tape. The program would be loaded into the machine and the machine would set to work until it was completed or the computer crashed. Over the years, operating systems have evolved to more user-friendly software programs that make it easier for anyone to use a computer in a more efficient way. As machines became more powerful, the necessity for some type of program to manage the data and the processes became more and more important. .....


17. Links
..... In the world of computers, there are many different links that can help you out in many ways. Links make it easy to navigate your way to various areas of the Internet with just the click of a button. There are many different kinds of links. Here are some: * Reciprocal Link – A two-way link that directs users to and from websites. These are also known as link swaps, link exchanges, and link partners. .....


18. Linux
..... Linux is a relative newcomer to the operating system scene. It is based on Unix technology developed as part of a programmer’s dream of freeware operating systems that people could download, analyze, change, and then re-distribute. The first Linux systems were completed in 1992 by combining system utilities and libraries from the GNU program which was another freeware based operating system. Since then, Linux has gained the support of corporations like IBM, Sun Microsystems, Hewlett Packard, and Novell. .....


19. MS
..... MS-DOS – short for Microsoft Disk Operating System – is an operating system commercialized by the Microsoft Corporation. It was the most widely used member of the DOS family of operating systems and was the dominant operating system for the PC compatible platform during the 1980’s. MS-DOS was the first true operating system in the computer market. MS-DOS was originally released in 1981 and had eight major versions released before Microsoft stopped development in 2000. It was the key product in Microsoft’s growth from a programming languages company to a diverse software development firm providing the company with essential revenue and marketing resources. It has gradually been replaced on consumer desktop computers by various generations of the Windows operating system. .....


20. Mac
..... The Mac computer – more formerly known as the Macintosh computer – is the number one rival of IBM-based personal computer. The Mac was invented by the Apple Corporation back in the late 1970’s and released in 1984. It has since become one of the biggies in the personal as well as professional computer market. The Mac was one of the first commercially successful personal computers to use a graphical user interface (GUI) and mouse instead of the then-standard command line interface. This would prove to be very beneficial to all users as the system was incredibly user-friendly and could be used by more people in the common market. .....


21. Macintosh Operating System
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22. Media Player
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23. Microsoft Windows XP
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24. Network Operating System
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25. New Operating System
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26. Open Source
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27. Operating System Design
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28. Operating System Download
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29. Operating System Implementation
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30. Operating System Requirements
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31. Operating System Security
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32. Operating System Software
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33. Operating System Support
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34. Problems With Windows Vista
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35. Real Time Operating System
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36. Resources
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37. Software
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38. Solaris 10
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39. Solaris Sun Blade Operating System
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40. The Concept Of An Operating System
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41. UNIX
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42. Understanding Your Operating System
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43. Upgrading Your Operating System
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44. Windows 2000
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45. Windows 3x Operating System
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46. Windows 98
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47. Windows ME
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48. Windows NT
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49. Windows Vista
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50. Windows
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51. Operating System
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